Just In
for Save Me, Oh Brave Protector

9/11/2006 c16 demoness online
Awsome story so far. I can't wait for you next update.
9/11/2006 c16 tashd
hey. long time no update... :) cant wait 2 da next chapter. i really liked this one.
9/10/2006 c16 Ye
yay, i got mentioned. hahaha. i'm so glad that the story was updated. that should be enough of a fix for bout a week. hope u update soon because lee and ryan are just so fun to read about and laugh at. good luck with the writing and i'm sure it'll be as good as the rest of the story.
9/10/2006 c16 LethargicLove
So..is Kew romantically interested in Jasmine? The last two chapters confused me so much. I don't know why, but they just did.
9/10/2006 c16 1chic rebel
hey! i reviewed as dee last time. umm... finally an update! im sad the lee got fired. but glad they came to an understanding. so please if you could update soon!
9/9/2006 c16 6naningxoxo
I...LOVE...YOUR...STORIES! they're are fantasmic superdiciously cool! they are a pleasure to read and i can't wait until you update. but this time i'm hoping for fighting, and lots of it! can you do that for one of your obsessive fans?
9/8/2006 c16 7lilxseeker
o0o0o0o you gotta update SOON! please. hehe
9/8/2006 c16 72Forget-The-Sorrow
Wonderful chapter! Please update soon as possible!
9/8/2006 c16 2Heartless Writer
Wonderful! I like the way it is.It was great getting an update. But I hope you take care.Grammar and spelling, I don't like them much either.I like the whole Ben and Catherine thing. ;]Can't wait to see what happens next!
9/8/2006 c16 2EnchantedKorean
interesting chappy...not a blooming romance, but hatred is out of the way now...what's gonna happen at the ball? is lee still gonna get fired? update soon!
9/8/2006 c16 12Life Love Sanity
aw fun stuf =]

its a lovely story! and i can only hope Ryan gets Lee out of being fired! that would be lovely =]

and then they can get this romance rolling ;] hahaha

its a great story tho so write more as soon as you can!
9/8/2006 c16 10Militarylver4eva
Well... sorry that I haven't been online lately to review ur pass two stories but I finally finished reading them and I must say that I am totally excited to see what happens next. I totally love ur story as u already know. Its kind of sad the way that Lee and Ryan keep at each other's throats but the fact that they manage to make up at the end is kind of cool. Kind of feels like the beginning stages of true love to me. First step is to hate the person but know deep down inside that there is just something about that person that you just cant help but find irresistable. I know that in the end, Lee and Ryan will eventually head down that road towards love, as they are already there despite the fact that Lee is being sent home. Her leaving after the dance is going to hurt Ryan alot more then he is going to be willing to admitt. That I am sure of. This love/hate relationship they have going has got to eventually lead to something wonderful. At least I hope that it leads to something more then where it is right now. Anyway, i just wanted to let u know how happy i am to see more chapters about my favorite disfunctional teen couple. lol Hope to see another update soon.

9/8/2006 c16 bitterSw33eT
thanks for updating!

i just love this storywould be so sad if u discontinued it
9/8/2006 c16 Alenor
oh, they discharged her from the mission? no way! that's so unfair. she was still doing her job. ahh well, i can't wait for more to see what ends up happening. cya next time ~ Alenor.
9/8/2006 c16 the-galaxy
(This is Terry S, I changed my name ^_^) This was a great chapter. It's sad that she has to leave so soon, but I guess it's understandable. Just to let you know, I like Save Me just the way it is too. It's a really great story. Well anyways, I hope you update soon.
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