Just In
for Save Me, Oh Brave Protector

12/3/2005 c11 7lilxseeker
omg! you updated! so much drama between elliot n ryan already! lol by the way did i tell you how much i love elliot's entrance yet? it was brilliant...in fact all of her entrances are soo cool! and i love harry potter! he's soo super uber cool...well anyways UPDATE REALLY REALLY SOON! and hope you get your christmas shopping done...cuss i have not started mines yett! hehe
12/3/2005 c11 18unthinkable
i can't wait to see what happens next! please update soon!
12/3/2005 c11 2NomadicWriter
Hey Hey! I'm so happy that you put this chapter up and i love it! but hey i always do! I hope that your brain de-fries soon so that you can write another fantastic chapter! - I think that Lee and Ryan's attitude to each other is understandable but im a bit confused with ryan because he seemed a bit different than last chapter when he seemed intrigued by his new guard - but i can understand how he is acting like that!I have no idea how the story will come to a close but i think it will be an interesting read and i can't wait! but i have a feeling that at some point that Lee will get shot! but nothing too life threatening but i think that it will be interesting if she does or dosnt get shot! I also can't wait to find out who the bugger is that is shooting everybody! i dont really get confused with the names but i can understand how some people do - but i also sometimes confuse people with lots of names in my story - dont worry they will remember eventually as the story moves on! hehe i also cant wait to see Ryan go to australia but you have to use G'day Mate in the chapter somewhere lol! hm what else to write? haha other than that i loved this chapter i saw the new harry potter movie the other day and was surprised at how good it was if you've seen it what did you think? I hope that you have a great holiday! -Kate xoxo
12/3/2005 c1 3Sheen
Amazing story! I found it only today and finished it in one seating ... ...
12/2/2005 c11 chaos called creation
yay you updated! first off great chapter. I loved the interaction between Ryan and Lee's siblings (especially Rachel's reaction towards Ryan.) but the fact that Lee actually punched him kind of seems unrealistic almost. You started off giving Lee a cool distant attitude who was a perfect little soldier but it seems like in this chapter she's almost like her friend Harriet. or maybe that was your intention. love does make people crazy =P

p.s. is Harriet going to come back in future chapters? + i would love to see what actors and actresses you picked to portray your characters.

Please keep writing! :)

s2 c
12/2/2005 c11 13Tenshistar
Yes, its making me all excited and i would be delighted to give you a name *searches for one* I came up Mashumaro Nechinechi (it literally means sticky marshmallow, but you put the first name last so nechinechi is sticky and mashumaro is marshmallow) I can find another one if you want or if you give me what you want to be called, that works too. That was just an idea. Let me know and awesome chapter. I really can't wait for the next one. This one was also funny. I couldn't believe she did that! PLease update soon!
11/7/2005 c10 blinded
its really refreshing to have a female character that totally kicks ass! =D am loving the kicking ass part (: and i thought the bit bout how saving the best for the last made loads of sense! do they really do that in real life? great job really! =D good luck for your end of year exams!
11/6/2005 c10 Queen of Word
Awesome! Loved your story hope you update soon.
11/6/2005 c1 sdfsfsdf
OMGZD thiz story sux. BOO.



11/6/2005 c10 14FireBringer
What did the Special Operations Codes mean at the end? It confused me, with all the protege stuff...otherwise, a good chapter.
11/5/2005 c10 20sloppy firsts
yay! they finally met each other ^^

don't know why this story doesn't have a gazillion reviews already...
11/2/2005 c10 6Pandemonium Express
yay, they finally meet! And that entrance was awesome! lol. Quite possible the best chapter yet and I can't wait to see what happens when they actually have a proper interaction. XD YOU ROCK! yay! -^_^-
10/31/2005 c10 1Coffee Shopper
lol... "She's a girl!" haha that's always a great first impression. good job prince nicholas (question: he goes by ryan too?)

great chapter and as always update soon!
10/31/2005 c10 8Fluff Inc
That was quite a fast update :D Rather unexpected too... and don't you remember? You were the one who suggested Jazzy and Jennifer Harris to me... o_o

I loved Lee's entrance^_^ And have I ever told you how much I adored Sophia?

-hugs her to tiny bite-sized pieces-

She's so adorable.

10/31/2005 c10 Jess
OMG NIKKI! This story is absolutly FANTASTIC! I needed to read it sooner. lol Make sure u continue it, ok? Cos im waiting for the next chapter!
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