Just In
for Save Me, Oh Brave Protector

10/25/2005 c9 10Militarylver4eva
OMG! I have to say one thing, this story ROCKS! I am totally in love with RYAN right now. I mean, i wouldnt mind being his guard any day just for the perks (sleeping with him.) LOL! But, i really can't wait for u to introduce Lee to Ryan. They should be together in the end. Yes, Ben is a nice guy but who wouldnt want to be attached romantically to a prince. Yes, I know that Lee has a bad taste in her mouth when it comes to the ROYAL family but she could change her mind when she meet RYAN the playboy prince. Hattie should definitely get someone too, maybe Matthew? Jake should definitely live but end up being replaced by Lee. Jennifer Harris is too hard ass. lol, but even hard asses need love too. HEHE! Who know maybe she could get hooked up with Kew. As for anyone dying right now, my answer is no. You already have two people nearly dying from the assasin who later in this chapter got caught. Maybe later on, you could kill someone close to either Lee or Ryan. Just a suggestion. Anyway, please update ur work. Like I said, I love this story and am really interested in finding out what is going to happen next.
10/23/2005 c9 16Bananalogic
to my knowlege you aren't making any major grammar miskates adn such. your story has awesome flow. i am currently watching one of the BEST movies EVER. nicholas cage kicks ass in 'GOne in 60 seconds'. "i'm retired...and where the hell is my brother" YES! (i love this movie for absolutly NO reason at all. but i'm sleep deprived hyper.) luv hannah banana
10/22/2005 c9 1kjatt
Hey I loved your story! It's pretty cool! I cant wait for you to update!
10/22/2005 c8 6Pandemonium Express
Sorry, I just noticed the questions on the other chapter and I can't comment twice on the same update. So, to answer your questions:It's fine for Jake to goI kind of want Lee to end up with Ryan (NOT KEW! Ep!)Jennifer Harris...I don't remember, so I'll skip answering that oneHarriet should end up single and independentNO DEATHS WITH LEE OR RYAN! ABSOLUTELY NOT! NO, NO, NO, NO, NNONONONONONONO!And I think Ryan's been a jerk lately, but I also think he can change back to how he was before. yah? Please?
10/22/2005 c7 4devil's-fav-angel
chocolate me like
10/22/2005 c8 devil's-fav-angel
nice chap
10/22/2005 c9 devil's-fav-angel
i don't like ryan anymore. it'd be awsome if lee and jake got together
10/21/2005 c9 6Pandemonium Express
YAY! NEW CHAPTERS! You ROCK! haha, sorry, I guess I'm just in a really good mood and now it's better because your story is amazingly splendiferous and altogether fantasmical. And I'm sure I've said this before, but I'll risk repetition 'cause this NEEDS to be said: Lee is SO Cool! She's an awesome protagonist.

Haha, finally we get around to Lee's promotion into guardianship? Yes, yes? Please...? All this waiting is KILLING me! I want to know how it goes! And why wasn't Lee chosen at first! From what we've read (/you've written) so far, she's indubitably (that word is SO much fun to say!) the most qualified Cadet...but I guess I'll find that out later. Sigh. Bugger. I hate being patient. _

Anyways, enough with the ridiculously long notes. LOVE the story still and CAN'T wait for another update. (YAY!) hehe.
10/21/2005 c9 exquisite
aw..now jakes dead...and he was so hot!..ok down to business

I think this is a really great story, especially how you are actually developing the story and not having already formulated characters fall in love, get married, blah blah blah and so on. The only error I can find is the slight confusion of names and so, but you can't really do anything to clean that up since it would ruin the flow, which is good. I think you could tryfor more details, but not built in details like your actully trying to detail the story (e.g. the shirt was white with blue and purple checks that tied down to a gold belt) more like the details should melt into the story. Anyway, I love this story. update!
10/21/2005 c9 A.M. Angel
Just started reading so luckily for me, I didn't have to wait for what you said to a long time to update... Anyway, I really like this story, please update soon!
10/21/2005 c9 1Coffee Shopper
aw sad. poor jake. well i guess he did know that there'd be situations like that. and please let lee be the next one in because it's dragging out a bit.

anyways, great story. and update soon!
10/21/2005 c9 anon
10/21/2005 c9 13Tenshistar
Loved the updates! Yay! its back! *jumps around for joy* OK, i'm back. Awesome job and please update soon!
10/21/2005 c9 Danna
amazing! you updated three chapters at once! but why oh why did you have to kill off jake? please don't! and so anyway, i love this story and how it's going and all that, but please can you update just one chapter of rebound ace?i love that story soo much!
10/21/2005 c9 10Hell's first Icicle
hell yea i want Jake to stay! and Lee wiv Ryan. and Harriet wiv Jasper. um...am i asking too much? . and mebe... ben wiv... emily?
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