Just In
for Shimmer115's poetry collection

1/14/2006 c2 73fading innocence
Thanks for reviewing my poem! *gapes* You have so many reviews...WAAH! Is it me or do people not like rhyming poems these days?

Anyway, great poems!
12/26/2005 c9 133Dying Rose
Very sweet. :) I like it, you did a good job of portraying the emotion behind the "together"ness. :)
12/26/2005 c5 Dying Rose
I like this one a lot, it reminds me of some of my poetry! I like the last part especially. :)One thing you might want to do is fix the typos before you post them up, makes your writing easier to read and understand. :)
11/11/2005 c10 1St. REM
A wonderful collection of poems. I loved all of them. I thought 'Watching you out of the side of you eye' was particularly good.I really like your style of poetry, it's so short and poweful and punchy.
11/10/2005 c5 Miss-Nina
Gorgeos, but short and sweet. Long poems can be really dull. But this one is super nice! Luv it. Not as cheeful, but still loved.

11/10/2005 c4 Miss-Nina
I love how it rhyms. It really paints a picture in your mind. Excellente!

11/10/2005 c3 Miss-Nina
I really like your poems. They cheer me up and stuff. Maybe you should think about getting a poetry book published...?

11/10/2005 c2 Miss-Nina
Another pretty addition to your collection! I like this. Your poems have great meanings.


Oh, that makes you realize. I have a poem collection, too!
11/10/2005 c1 Miss-Nina
Beautiful! It's short and pretty, like a poem should be. I think you have great talent, Shimmer!

If you don't recognize my name, I'm Miss-Nina. You reviewed my story UDA United Dragon Agency long ago. I wanted to keep in touch.

8/16/2005 c2 newby6320
These are two really great poems! I like the way you make both scenes seem as though they are happening around you.
7/16/2005 c10 44Amara the Warrior
All in all...not bad. It could use a lot of improvement though. I liked your poems though:)
7/16/2005 c9 Amara the Warrior
Hmm...I don't know how to say this but you need to balance out your poems. It's kinda hard to explain.
7/16/2005 c8 Amara the Warrior
Not bad. It could use some improvement though.
7/16/2005 c7 Amara the Warrior
Well...you have some grammer errors but it WAS pretty good. Keep writing girl!
7/16/2005 c6 Amara the Warrior
I think that dreams are ways in which we escape reality. But...that's just me:) Good job.
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