5/27/2005 c7 TobyKikami
Interesting... I'll be looking forward to seeing how they get out of this one (or not).
Interesting... I'll be looking forward to seeing how they get out of this one (or not).
5/26/2005 c7
oh, the plot thickens! i like this, it's a neat deviation from standard plot line there. very cool. neway, keep up the goods!

oh, the plot thickens! i like this, it's a neat deviation from standard plot line there. very cool. neway, keep up the goods!
5/25/2005 c6
The whole rules thing is somehow reminding me of hitchhikers' guide, which is good. This story is hilarious. Seriously.

The whole rules thing is somehow reminding me of hitchhikers' guide, which is good. This story is hilarious. Seriously.
5/24/2005 c6
rock on babe! i love the realistic modern take with like, crushes and alla that. hey, do u know wat i thot wud b really cool? is like, if it turned out that erek is cursed with bad luck and like, he breaks the spell in the end... lol, just a thot. neway, u rock my socks! (do ppl say that here in england?) l8r!

rock on babe! i love the realistic modern take with like, crushes and alla that. hey, do u know wat i thot wud b really cool? is like, if it turned out that erek is cursed with bad luck and like, he breaks the spell in the end... lol, just a thot. neway, u rock my socks! (do ppl say that here in england?) l8r!
5/18/2005 c5 Ailinn
I utterly loved it, you have to update soon its just so funny.
And i adore all the traders that are always milling round, so very funny... reminds me of those people who ring up asking if you want to buy a new kichen.
I utterly loved it, you have to update soon its just so funny.
And i adore all the traders that are always milling round, so very funny... reminds me of those people who ring up asking if you want to buy a new kichen.
5/10/2005 c5
lol. good stuff. i like the daria quirks that are beginning to come out. well, i am continuing to slowly but surely read eden... i'm a sucker for romance, and i really like the zoe mike stuff. romance would b cool in this story... lol. well, i did like this chap, but i'm way tired right now, so i'll just leave it at good tonight. l8r

lol. good stuff. i like the daria quirks that are beginning to come out. well, i am continuing to slowly but surely read eden... i'm a sucker for romance, and i really like the zoe mike stuff. romance would b cool in this story... lol. well, i did like this chap, but i'm way tired right now, so i'll just leave it at good tonight. l8r
5/10/2005 c5 Susan G
I am impressed, sir or madam. I didn't expect to find a story here that I would adore as greatly as I do this one. Your writing style is admirable, lighter and wryly sarcastic. You create the ideal fantasy world by making fun of the fantasy genre itself. Your characters are delightful! I love the first chapter, and the revelation that "Jake" is female. Very well done, good sir.I wish I could give some good constructive criticism, aside from my praise, but I find very little to fault. I do wish you'd write more, and lots more. This is a very engaging story, and I look forward to more of it.Have you thought about how, by making your characters deviations from their respective stereotypes, you're following another of the classical fantasy stereotypes? The underdogs who come out on top in the end. It would be interesting to see if you again turn away from the norm, or if you go for the cheesy happy endings. Hey, I love happy endings. Go for it.
I am impressed, sir or madam. I didn't expect to find a story here that I would adore as greatly as I do this one. Your writing style is admirable, lighter and wryly sarcastic. You create the ideal fantasy world by making fun of the fantasy genre itself. Your characters are delightful! I love the first chapter, and the revelation that "Jake" is female. Very well done, good sir.I wish I could give some good constructive criticism, aside from my praise, but I find very little to fault. I do wish you'd write more, and lots more. This is a very engaging story, and I look forward to more of it.Have you thought about how, by making your characters deviations from their respective stereotypes, you're following another of the classical fantasy stereotypes? The underdogs who come out on top in the end. It would be interesting to see if you again turn away from the norm, or if you go for the cheesy happy endings. Hey, I love happy endings. Go for it.
5/2/2005 c4 wickedstarr42
so the thieves' guild had a point after all. i was a bit worried that it wouldn't when she just gave up and went to look for horses. lovely, my friend, lovely. I really liked the thieves' school, by the way. and hey, ya gotta love a thieves' guild, lol. awesome stuff, dude. i seriously love this story so much... like, we each get a list of fav stories, right? well, this one is my favritest! rock on, babe. kiss kiss!
so the thieves' guild had a point after all. i was a bit worried that it wouldn't when she just gave up and went to look for horses. lovely, my friend, lovely. I really liked the thieves' school, by the way. and hey, ya gotta love a thieves' guild, lol. awesome stuff, dude. i seriously love this story so much... like, we each get a list of fav stories, right? well, this one is my favritest! rock on, babe. kiss kiss!
5/1/2005 c4
-"Every time a hero participates in an unauthorised rescue, there's a form to fill in. Every form has to be filed, referenced, and copied. The copy has to be stamped and sent to Guild HQ, and a note made so that I know to expect a delivery confirmation within three months. I am already coordinating five separate teams throughout this region, handling official requests for intervention, preparing this year's financial report and organising the annual dinner! I do not need some raw hero right out of training rescuing damn slaves from the local market!"-
PRICELESS. mwuahaha. Just love that.
-Like most Guilds, the Thieves’ Guild was set up as a mutual gathering of folk in one profession to increase their own earnings, ensure their futures and protect their profession from cowboys. Unlike most other Guilds, the Thieves had stayed that way, mainly because if the bigwigs had started trying to skim money off the top they would have found a variety of poisons, daggers, traps, snakes, spiders, incriminating documents and one or two outright gang wars landing squarely on their plate. Or in their chest, whichever was more lethal; thieves do not, generally speaking, appreciate being messed about with.-
I enjoy these kind of parts because they tell more about the world you've created. I like the fact you seem to KNOW everything, because that's what author's supposed to do. Know things, even if you don't mention them in the story. It makes the story more... buyable, eh.
-So it was that the four of us came to be sitting in a downmarket pub in the bad part of town. To clarify that statement: when I say “downmarket”, I mean it had the same sort of atmosphere as the Darksider, only it was for real. And I say “pub” only because your average whorehouse is a lot cleaner. And of course “bad part of town” actually means “place where people are born carrying knives and can mug you before they learn to walk”. -
Goddamnit, I'm gonna quote the whole fic. As usual, it was a pleasure - sarcasm draws me. Especially the whole I want your babies, said my brain - moment was a pearl. Hehehehehe. honestly, I'm liking this fic.

-"Every time a hero participates in an unauthorised rescue, there's a form to fill in. Every form has to be filed, referenced, and copied. The copy has to be stamped and sent to Guild HQ, and a note made so that I know to expect a delivery confirmation within three months. I am already coordinating five separate teams throughout this region, handling official requests for intervention, preparing this year's financial report and organising the annual dinner! I do not need some raw hero right out of training rescuing damn slaves from the local market!"-
PRICELESS. mwuahaha. Just love that.
-Like most Guilds, the Thieves’ Guild was set up as a mutual gathering of folk in one profession to increase their own earnings, ensure their futures and protect their profession from cowboys. Unlike most other Guilds, the Thieves had stayed that way, mainly because if the bigwigs had started trying to skim money off the top they would have found a variety of poisons, daggers, traps, snakes, spiders, incriminating documents and one or two outright gang wars landing squarely on their plate. Or in their chest, whichever was more lethal; thieves do not, generally speaking, appreciate being messed about with.-
I enjoy these kind of parts because they tell more about the world you've created. I like the fact you seem to KNOW everything, because that's what author's supposed to do. Know things, even if you don't mention them in the story. It makes the story more... buyable, eh.
-So it was that the four of us came to be sitting in a downmarket pub in the bad part of town. To clarify that statement: when I say “downmarket”, I mean it had the same sort of atmosphere as the Darksider, only it was for real. And I say “pub” only because your average whorehouse is a lot cleaner. And of course “bad part of town” actually means “place where people are born carrying knives and can mug you before they learn to walk”. -
Goddamnit, I'm gonna quote the whole fic. As usual, it was a pleasure - sarcasm draws me. Especially the whole I want your babies, said my brain - moment was a pearl. Hehehehehe. honestly, I'm liking this fic.
4/30/2005 c4
I'm glad she isn't the only girl any more, though I am worried about her being found out. Especially when she's drooling all over clumsy but oh-so-sexy Erek. Fun stuff all the same. Wonderful chapter, beautifully written, and I think that's FINALLY everyone. It took me longer to introduce all the main chara's in my story, though... so I can't blame you for taking 4 chapters. XD Love this, and continure the grand work.

I'm glad she isn't the only girl any more, though I am worried about her being found out. Especially when she's drooling all over clumsy but oh-so-sexy Erek. Fun stuff all the same. Wonderful chapter, beautifully written, and I think that's FINALLY everyone. It took me longer to introduce all the main chara's in my story, though... so I can't blame you for taking 4 chapters. XD Love this, and continure the grand work.