Just In
for 101 Uses For A Dead Catobleepas

4/26/2005 c3 2Casey Drake
This is quite the motley crew. An intelligent-supposed-to-be-stupid hero, a female-pretending-to-be-male sidekick, a slave who isn't supposed to hang around, and a mage who doesn't believe in magic.

:) CD
4/25/2005 c3 2wickedstarr42
omg i totally love this story so much! like, i got a author alert for somethin else by you today, and i was like, "what about catobleepas?" but now u've updated and that makes me happy. i just adore everything u've done so far with it and it just gets better. defo my fav story i've read here. u rock, babe! keep up the goods. kiss kiss! l8r
4/25/2005 c3 7ONEthousandWORDs
Since you've been asking: I'm a Tharan fan. And I still am, even after this lovely meeting with Erek. Clumsy and gorgeous is all well and nice, and I'm sure he's secretly a prince or something, but Tharan is just amazing. A hero and SMART? Can't be beat. Not really, anywho. That was a very nice touch at the end, if I do say so myself. Why three horses? No one knows, but they'll mos def need them all. XD Grand to the max. Update this soon! And I AM still reading Wind of the Soul, it's just fictionpress is picky about reviews and so I can't review regularly anymore. Da boo. But I'll live, and I hope you will too. ^_^
4/22/2005 c2 Casey Drake
er... interesting... very interesting... *blinks rapidly*

:) CD
4/20/2005 c2 6syrai
Oh wow. I'm amazed. You know how you sometimes, waiting for a certain TV series to start go through ff.net just to see if there's anything good. Anything at all?

Well that's what I was doing and then I ran into your little piece here and damnit, it's good! Made me smile, I tell you! Thank you for that.

-Only that’s not the full story. See, when you think of a sidekick, what comes to mind? Go on, try it. No doubt you are now thinking of some little weasel with all the moral fibre of a decomposing jellyfish. Well, think again. Your average henchman is very, very smart.-

HA. loved that one. Brought a double smile on my lips.

-He passed me a sheaf of papers and I scanned them swiftly. It seemed fairly standard, nothing wildly out of the ordinary. An evil wizard had apparently demanded the hand of a beautiful princess, and intended to destroy her kingdom with magical cataclysm should she refuse. The situation had recently escalated with her kidnapping; I could see why Karl had called it an urgent mission.-

So funny.

-"Her family have promised twelve hundred in gold to her saviour," the man added as I finished scanning the sheet. "Guild wants you to hold out for at least twenty. As usual, if you want to sub-contract, it comes out of your pocket, and you follow the guidelines. Okay?"-

I think the reason I like this so much is that it seems like the story would take place in present time, but still... not. I like how the Guild is made all evil and greedy as far as I can tell and how the heroes are stupid and sidekicks smart. HA. It's the cliche of all cliches and you write it so well.

-"This does rather beg the question; why did we ever agree to their employment?""We weren't suicidal enough to refuse.""Ah. Right."-

That was just brilliant.

Please do update. And whatever you do, don't drop the humour - I loved the first chapter and the whole 'pondering' moment where nothing really happend but our 'Jake' explained how everything works and so on. It was interesting and funny, I loved it.

Er. Not a long review, not at all.. I'm off now. Off to hide into my cave.
4/20/2005 c2 3Blah246
BwaaHaHaHa, hilarious. I can hella imagine a sidekick subdueing his hero with a squirt bottle, "down boy down, no treat for you! Sit!" lol. Very good work, I especially like the way the characters are portrayed, very easy to sympathize with them. Excellent work, keep it up.
4/20/2005 c2 2wickedstarr42
lol, ur slave dude kinda reminds me of Dylan... tho i think his problem is bad luck rather than stupidity... lol. cool, cool, keep up the goods, dahlin!
4/20/2005 c2 7ONEthousandWORDs
Ohmygod. I love this story. It's like something by Terry Pratchett only... no where NEAR as cliche, which makes it better. Updateupdateupdate! Though, I know you have several other things to write so updating this specifically might not be so high on you agenda. I love it to bits though. ^_^
4/20/2005 c1 2wickedstarr42
awesome! this is by far the best beginning u've written. i really really like it. i like the take, and i like the surprise at the end of the chapter. well done, mate, very well done. kiss kiss! l8r
4/19/2005 c1 2Casey Drake
interesting... please update this. and, incidentally, what is a catobleepas?

:) CD
4/18/2005 c1 7ONEthousandWORDs
O.o; This is amazing! I think I'm in love with the buff... hero... guy. Amazing. After a very few paragraphs! That, my friend, takes true skill. I hope to the good Lord above (who may or may not exist) that this is NOT a one shot. It's too amazing and wonderful and full of romantic potential for that. Not to mention a fascinating premise: a guild of sidekicks. Really, it makes a LOT of sense. I'm proud o' yeh for thinkin' of it. ^_^
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