Just In
for The Man from the Internet

3/11/2006 c1 2StrawberryStarburst
How do you know so much about that crazy man's mind? LOL. Good character exploration and development. I'll definitely be recommending this. It seems a little funny to me.
12/26/2005 c1 Guest
You definitely pried into the mind of of a internet predator. I have to agree with Gilee7 when she says you have wonderful descriptions about his character. He is the KING of creepers, I can tell that just from the information I've gotten about him. Gah! Creepy Grandpa!

Hoping for more chapters,

9/23/2005 c1 Arkash
This is great, and very creepy. Please continue; I'm curious what Bernie will do.

Great Job! *_*
9/13/2005 c1 109ADSpencer
Odd story, but nicely written. lose your life to the internet...a fate worse than death? I think not...however depending on what you're doing on the net...lol
9/2/2005 c1 3Debbie-chan
Interesting. You've succeeded in getting into the mind of some old guy who lures children into traps on the Interenet. I don't know that many writers who can do that. Awesome story. It seems oddly light-hearted but still dead serious. Plus, you used a lot of great imagery. I mean, I know I say that on a lot of reviews, but it's true. Really.

~Ja ne!~ Debbie-chan

PS, I was just wondering, could you review Tsubasa? Or pretty much anyone else who is looking at the reviews right now. Okay.
6/16/2005 c1 6Gilee7
You do a great job of developing the character of Bernie; we get tons of background information, we understand what kind of person he is, how he feels and what he thinks, and his reasoning for doing what he does. Great way to begin the story. At times I felt like your writing was lazy, settling for overdone cliches to describe things, such as "the adrenaline pumping through his veins" and "he was like a hunter, searching for prey." But overall you did a pretty good job with everything. It's definitely an interesting idea, and I look forward to the next chapter.
6/14/2005 c1 4Sweet Miseries
OMG please continue this! This story is really awesome. I wondered why people would do that, try and trap innocent little kids, and this story really explains why people have the need to do things like that. The story is very well written, overall great job.. I'm eager to read more... please add!
4/22/2005 c1 PuzzledThinker
Even though you arent done it yet its good, I think if you were to do more to it i'd continue reading it ^^Thanks so much for the reviews!
4/21/2005 c1 156ShadowPharoh
i like it! ^_^

4/21/2005 c1 kayttea
im so special! this is so awesome. but i sorta already gave you a review thru email...so yeah. but you have to post the rest really soon because you left us with an evil cliffie! EVIL! *sends kirby to get teh evil cliffie and make it pay* bwahaha! yeah. sorry. great story tho, pleace update asap!

4/20/2005 c1 Rach
HI!. this story seems intesting so far I'd like to see how it goes.

please update soon

see ya

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