8/28/2005 c1
This one is pretty deep. I wish life could be like that. I'm a very awkward, mistake-making person, so that would come in handy.

This one is pretty deep. I wish life could be like that. I'm a very awkward, mistake-making person, so that would come in handy.
8/9/2005 c1
ah.. this is pretty good. not bad really. its simple but meaningful. the idea of the remote is smart and creative. keep up the good job.

ah.. this is pretty good. not bad really. its simple but meaningful. the idea of the remote is smart and creative. keep up the good job.
6/19/2005 c1
4Sweet Miseries
This is really good! I like what its about the whole idea... and just the overall style. I love it!

This is really good! I like what its about the whole idea... and just the overall style. I love it!
6/1/2005 c1
great piece! i think everyone has felt like that before, i think about that kind of think quiet a lot, and have never been able to get the ideas out quiet right, so good work, i really like it, keep it up!

great piece! i think everyone has felt like that before, i think about that kind of think quiet a lot, and have never been able to get the ideas out quiet right, so good work, i really like it, keep it up!
5/24/2005 c1 Biene
sorrz. It did not go to Ch.8 cz I deleted number 7 and replaced it with "Angel"^^. Thanks a lot for reviewing my poem! I think I said this b4 but neways..."I LOVE THIS!"
sorrz. It did not go to Ch.8 cz I deleted number 7 and replaced it with "Angel"^^. Thanks a lot for reviewing my poem! I think I said this b4 but neways..."I LOVE THIS!"
5/22/2005 c1
14method acting
I like the ryming and the topic, but the whole thing didn't do much for me.

I like the ryming and the topic, but the whole thing didn't do much for me.
5/12/2005 c1
12Lisa Parry
A dizzying poem, but an effective one as you flew from one corner of the narrator's life to the next that it began to become even more chaotic then life is. :D

A dizzying poem, but an effective one as you flew from one corner of the narrator's life to the next that it began to become even more chaotic then life is. :D
5/1/2005 c1
this is nice.. i feel that way sometimes. relive the wonderful happy moments and just skip over the sad and scary ones. wonderful poem

this is nice.. i feel that way sometimes. relive the wonderful happy moments and just skip over the sad and scary ones. wonderful poem
4/27/2005 c1
i like how u used rewind, fast-forward, play, and puase 2 represent thing we cannot do in real life and showed how u would use them if u could.
also, thanx 4 commenting on my story. i don't take any negative comments badly cuz it shows tht the reader actually read it and paid attention while doing so nd tht they care.

i like how u used rewind, fast-forward, play, and puase 2 represent thing we cannot do in real life and showed how u would use them if u could.
also, thanx 4 commenting on my story. i don't take any negative comments badly cuz it shows tht the reader actually read it and paid attention while doing so nd tht they care.