Just In
for Play, Pause, FastForward, Rewind

12/27/2005 c1 33hidden sapphire
I think most people can relate to this poem. I like it.
9/13/2005 c1 109ADSpencer
Lost my dang remote years ago... Fantastic poem.
8/28/2005 c1 3Debbie-chan
This one is pretty deep. I wish life could be like that. I'm a very awkward, mistake-making person, so that would come in handy.
8/24/2005 c1 Arkash
Interesting, and don't I wish for that remote control. *_*
8/9/2005 c1 8alexialynne
ah.. this is pretty good. not bad really. its simple but meaningful. the idea of the remote is smart and creative. keep up the good job.
6/19/2005 c1 4Sweet Miseries
This is really good! I like what its about the whole idea... and just the overall style. I love it!
6/7/2005 c1 87youzi
intersting concept...smthing we all wish possible..oh well.. keep writing =D
6/1/2005 c1 270dustytiger
great piece! i think everyone has felt like that before, i think about that kind of think quiet a lot, and have never been able to get the ideas out quiet right, so good work, i really like it, keep it up!
5/24/2005 c1 Biene
sorrz. It did not go to Ch.8 cz I deleted number 7 and replaced it with "Angel"^^. Thanks a lot for reviewing my poem! I think I said this b4 but neways..."I LOVE THIS!"
5/22/2005 c1 14method acting
I like the ryming and the topic, but the whole thing didn't do much for me.
5/16/2005 c1 42Kicking Poe
Interesting idea. I really like the last few lines.
5/15/2005 c1 3Crazy Biene
Wow..gal u are talented! Damn. I TOTALLY agree.
5/12/2005 c1 12Lisa Parry
A dizzying poem, but an effective one as you flew from one corner of the narrator's life to the next that it began to become even more chaotic then life is. :D
5/1/2005 c1 157darkmistresslae
this is nice.. i feel that way sometimes. relive the wonderful happy moments and just skip over the sad and scary ones. wonderful poem
4/27/2005 c1 5FuzySliperz
i like how u used rewind, fast-forward, play, and puase 2 represent thing we cannot do in real life and showed how u would use them if u could.

also, thanx 4 commenting on my story. i don't take any negative comments badly cuz it shows tht the reader actually read it and paid attention while doing so nd tht they care.
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