5/25/2005 c1 deleted-123-45
I like the first version more too. It is always imgortant to end a haiku with a great line, and you did that. I would have never expected "candlelit vigor."
I like the first version more too. It is always imgortant to end a haiku with a great line, and you did that. I would have never expected "candlelit vigor."
5/3/2005 c1 15Yuki Sasaki
Nicely done. *nod, nod* I agree with you, the first version is better. Both of them are good though.
Nicely done. *nod, nod* I agree with you, the first version is better. Both of them are good though.
5/2/2005 c1 41Silver Phoenix Falling
Pretty; seems like something that came right out of the Victorian Era. Both versions are nice, but I agree; the first one is a bit better. ;)
Pretty; seems like something that came right out of the Victorian Era. Both versions are nice, but I agree; the first one is a bit better. ;)
5/2/2005 c1 42Kicking Poe
Gives me a Phantom of the Opera vibe. Good job! (Just a tip: accept anonymous reviews. It makes things so much easier and you'll probably get more reviews.)
Gives me a Phantom of the Opera vibe. Good job! (Just a tip: accept anonymous reviews. It makes things so much easier and you'll probably get more reviews.)