Just In
for Devil's Day

4/25/2006 c4 109ADSpencer
Oh, nice new characters...fresh blood, lol. Anyhow, nice chapter. I thought the formating at the end was very dramatic and nicely done.
4/25/2006 c3 ADSpencer
Moved rather quickly, but I loved these characters. They were very fun and witty. Nice work.
4/25/2006 c2 ADSpencer
I love your creatures/characters. The land seems to be one of them. Beautiful prose, but perhaps you're telling too much at the very beginning-I'm not saying that that is confusing or any such thing. Anyhow, I'll have to read on to see how this unfolds. Nice work so far.
4/25/2006 c1 ADSpencer
Very interesting setting, I must say. The darkness was very vivid and put to light, pun intended, by the description. Nice work overall.
3/9/2006 c3 2W3DNESDAY
aww, this seems like it's going to be a great romance. the ending was so sweet!
3/9/2006 c2 W3DNESDAY
You have great descriptions of Greenland and Fairyland. You really make each seem like a whole, complete world in itself. the beginning of this chapter needs a bit more plot movement though. otherwise, great chapter! can't wait to see the prince and the princess!
3/9/2006 c1 W3DNESDAY
whoa.. fascinating story concept you got here. i hope you keep writing this story!
12/3/2005 c2 31Shadow Gryphon
Ah, so you weren't refering to the actual country of Greenland. That makes sense...

Lovely descriptions, and the traditional long-awaited child was a nice nod to the original.

Will read more later...

12/2/2005 c1 Shadow Gryphon
*smiles slowly* I like. I like it very much. Fairies as something dangerous rather than silly little things that flit from flower to flower and sprinkle fairy dust appeal to me very much. El Zanjo is a wonderful name for such a place, and literally having hearts of stone is a great idea.

I'll be back for more later! Promise!

11/10/2005 c14 12SLigHtLy FrEaKisH
Read 'Briar Rose' by Jane Yolen, I studied it for English this year and loved it. It's a great book that retells the story of Sleeping Beauty in a different way. I like your story a lot by the way. Great imagination and allusion to some details. Continue!

Later ~FrEaK~
9/17/2005 c1 2Chitose
Please do continue-I literally burst out laughing when I read the summary, I really think this could be a great story (if you write it correctly ^^) Im not sure your cliffhanger is much of one, but Ill read the next chapter all the same^^ Keep it up!
9/8/2005 c12 2florida
Hey! This is the best chapter so far! /smiles/ I love your description towards the end when Lucen was close to being hit... or was she? She wasn't hit yet she doesn’t know what happened after this? Hm... Interesting I can't wait until the next chapter comes up maybe it will answer my questions.

I also like how you used ‘ripping off their wings' as a greater punishment than death, it shows the white fairies greatest fear. I almost feel bad for the red fairies and what Exis and Naramir thought of their children and what they did to them as punishment of their birth. Last but not least I love how your using all of these random characters instead of just using one or two. I'll have to try something like this sometime. ~florida
9/7/2005 c11 florida
OH NO! You did it again and went ahead posting chapters with out me even knowing it! How will I keep up with the story now?

Well at least we know one thing... this is when all the fun starts! /GRINS/ It's finally time for Cherry, (I just love that name by the way, though I think I already told you that) to save her prince charming. /woop, woop/ ~florida
9/2/2005 c12 55Lellida
*blink* Whoa. That was such a tragic chapter! Yeesh. Feels very reminiscent of the real holocaust. I can see where your title is coming into play- I don't think you should change it, because the WWII allegory is really strong. I like it. God, what a sad chapter! But still, amazing story so keep it up.
9/2/2005 c2 Lellida
Going to read more, but I just thought I'd point out that red and green are complimentary colors. Sorry, just thought that was sucha cool little detail- didn't know if you put it in on purpose or not.
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