Just In
for Printing Away

12/19/2005 c1 whacked
i marvel at your ability to write humour..esp in poetry..and i a can soo see suzen's reaction to the poem/song! hah..powerful last line though!
5/13/2005 c1 90poetic abortion
XD That is my little sister in a nutshell, I really liked this. Though in the humorous respect this is quite funny but toward the end you give it a very true meaning one that some (including me) forget or ignore. ^_^ I really liked it, very cute and would surly annoy my own brother/sisters. :P

!~* Noelle *~!
5/8/2005 c1 6FaithT
That made no sense.
5/8/2005 c1 fgirl917
you sound like two things...1.like your depressed.2.you spend most of your time printing everything from paper to clothing.it was kinda weird andinteresting also.

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