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for Manda Rider 5: The Last Reunion

9/29/2015 c20 Lazerkat
Wow! Good job with the ending. You handled the big reveal really well, and mislead us all through the story. I'll be checking out MR6 soon, for sure.
9/29/2015 c18 Guest
Oh crap, this can't be good . . .
9/28/2015 c10 Lazerkat
Tessa . . . WHY YOU BE EVIL?!
9/28/2015 c7 Lazerkat
Yep. Tessa/Eric are the most suspicious at the moment.
5/24/2010 c1 eiyuang999
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3/13/2006 c20 lostinscotland
gah, that was probably the best ending line i've ever heard. beautiful.

wow...it's been like nine months since i last reviewed this thing. sorry about that...

um. jackie is evil, casey is...dun remember, really. damien...tehe. and ritchie...oh, the love. even though he's criminal-like. poor rachel...and poor eric...

but yea for manda and michael! bwahaha... so yeah. i'll try to get around to reading the next one at some point...some day when i have nothing to do for a couple hours. yes, yes. i'll get on that... o.0

great job, though!
2/18/2006 c20 me
you did a really good job with the mystery! This is one of the best I've read on fictionpress. Keep writing! Are you going to have a kind of final episode where we find out more about Manda and Michael and their future together?
10/5/2005 c20 4Marged Hymffri
I am definitely interested in reading MR6! Can't wait for it to be posted; do so soon, please!

P.S. You're on my Author Alert list.

8/30/2005 c18 2MandeeYin
OMG! wow! did you read that?...well of course you did..you wrote it...ahaha! nice! i love your stories! dude you're awsome! man i wish i could write like this...but the truth is i'm not good at writing mysteries..but hey awsome job and i hope you write another Manda Rider story! good luck!Mandee yin
7/19/2005 c20 73aims80
Loved this story too. And I definately hope you do write a sixth one!
7/11/2005 c20 6Silver-Dragon5
Congratulations on another fine story. I don't know how you write so much so fast but you've done an excellent job. Well done! I'll be eagerly awaiting your next installment. Let me know!

7/11/2005 c18 Silver-Dragon5
Oh no! Manda seems to be in so much trouble. Damien better be there to help her! And what a great twist! Another child. This is all very interesting. Can't wait to finish this story and work out the killer!

7/11/2005 c16 Silver-Dragon5
What an interesting revelation! Tessa is more than she seems. I wonder what is going to happen now!

7/11/2005 c13 Silver-Dragon5
Yay! The truth is coming out! But there's still more to read so I'd better get on with it!

7/11/2005 c12 Silver-Dragon5
That was a close one. Why didn't Michael go and get angry at Brock after coming back from Manda? Once the fear had died down, anger would have set in and who better to be angry at than Brock?

Another great chapter. It's going really well and I'm still guessing who the killer might be.

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