Just In
for Darker Shade of Pretty

1/19/2007 c1 124Tipped
I really like your poetry. All of it flows really nicely and is simply honest. I like this one- especially the last few lines- and Mother. They're both really well written and relatable and heartfelt. good job. keep it up.
6/6/2005 c1 6Nobody-n-Particular
You have such lingering lines such as "My own darker shade of pretty." what loveliness. You should definitely write more often.
5/11/2005 c1 1k+Faithless Juliet
Powerful and passionate, I enjoyed it, keep up the good work.

Much love,Juliet.
5/11/2005 c1 9Morbid Maxwell
This was an excellent piece. You did a wonderful job. The imagery was wonderful and your choice of words...just excellent. I hope to read more poems by you soon Love, great work.

Morbid Maxwell-The Ryuichi love...it burns!

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