Just In
for honey won't read this

12/9/2006 c1 tesa131313
This is a pretty cool poem. But, remember, I is capitalized. Sorry. Had to tell you. But yes the poem is a really cool one.
8/30/2005 c1 in tesseraction

god forbid i say something positive about the last lines at this point.
8/22/2005 c1 123breakdown in the waiting room
Very despondent and heart-hitting. It's beautiful and lonely. I know- wistful.

7/12/2005 c1 3Mestre
Wow. Last two lines really grabbed me.
6/19/2005 c1 52AboveTheSalt
chilling. "where was i/your lover boy/when you decided to paint the highway/with yourself" ... absolutely perfect clincher. couldn't have ended it better.

6/17/2005 c1 38violetsky23
love it. it reads extremely well. sad,yes, but it is very very good.
6/5/2005 c1 110KonekOniko
oh, wow. sad, but, you've got to be a literary genius. the last two lines are just...amazing. scratch that, EVERYTHING YOU WRITE IS AMAZING.
6/3/2005 c1 14Dirty Wallpaper
I used to be one of those long review whores.

I love the last few lines:"when you decided to paint the highway/with yourself"

Quite perfect really. The disloacting the "with yourself" from the former, gave it that extra oomph, an added complacent sadness. Cool, kudos.
6/1/2005 c1 42and flowers
the last two lines are- wow, so original.
5/31/2005 c1 27WiredWords
i love your use of informal language, the way you describe a harsh situation with harsh words, the way you let something ugly and sad be ugly and sad without romanticizing it. Very well written
5/28/2005 c1 69this is britt
so the inspirations were lost on me- but miss insomnia? my god. you are too brilliant.
5/23/2005 c1 vionna
aww. sweet.
5/21/2005 c1 120hypocrite extrodinare
woa... creepy!
5/20/2005 c1 guiter pickless
i like the way the beginning is odd and the end sounds unintentional, though.
5/17/2005 c1 2W3DNESDAY
so poignant. i can completely relate to the frustration and feeling of insufficiency in first stanza
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