Just In
for See Past Your Eyes

12/25/2006 c1 1Twilla
...Wow, Hakan-chan, I really don't what to say for once. But, this is just so deep... I shall put it on my favorites list.
12/2/2006 c1 Mephistophelian
I really like this poem. It's pretty raw, but that only adds to the effect. You can tell that there's emotion behind it, and it's on a theme that everyone can relate to. It's all around really genuine and cool, even though I think I see a formatting error...although it's kind of cool how it is.


8/24/2005 c1 5Prince-Arslan
Wow, this is good. I really like the theme of the poem. :)

-PS- Thanks for the review.
6/28/2005 c1 5silly-stephie
I really like that poem...it's something I could realte to. Keep up the good work!
5/30/2005 c1 1Jani Rieme
Wow, it's beautiful. Certainly, you need to fix some small things, like the one line, 'I cherish each we spend together'. Each what? And the next line, 'Even the small one`s'. You don't need the apostraphe (`) there, because it's not a contraction. Other than that, it's really good. Oh, and I forgot to mention, you need to fix some grammar things in Liquid Skylark, too.

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