Just In
for Life is Hard

11/26/2005 c2 6Broken Telephone
Cute story! Awesome job! Thanks for the awesome review! P.S. I'm LDS, too. :)

Have an awesome day!
9/8/2005 c2 6pianofingers7
You left me hangin . . . that's so wrong. lol. what happens next?
6/23/2005 c1 8Rambling Thestral
Haha, crazy Mormon people getting up and married and saccharinely romantic...Heh. Just kidding. It's good! Looks like there could be a lot of potential for character development and...mm...stuff like that. I'm curious to see what else there could be!
6/17/2005 c1 3Heart of sunshine
very good story, it has a lot of potential! I can't wait to hear more!Amandaps. thanks for the review! I like ur user name, lol, very bold!
6/15/2005 c1 me
6/15/2005 c1 Moroni's Daughter
I like this a lot! You've got me hooked. There's not much description yet, but you got right to the point, and there is so much plot potential. I can't wait to read more!
5/21/2005 c1 24LOTRMS
You have a good begining started here and you seem like a well developed writer, keep up the good work and keep writting!

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