Just In
for Love is a

9/13/2006 c4 34C.A. Eigsti
you show, greatly, the good and bad of love in each metaphor beautifully.

you are amazing. keep it up.
6/8/2005 c4 3MissChiaroscuro
you write descriptions of love that can be so depressing!
6/8/2005 c3 MissChiaroscuro
sometimes i think that the negative part of love is stronger than the positive side by the way you write...
6/8/2005 c2 MissChiaroscuro
still good!
6/8/2005 c1 MissChiaroscuro
this is a very good description of love.. i like the way you write..
5/25/2005 c4 8BadSweets
Hey! Very nice, I particularly like the lines from 'And it's rather...' to '...is still standing.' I really like that metaphor.
5/24/2005 c1 BadSweets
Oh! A simple poem, I like how you cut the lines. You could use more punctuation for effect... I loved the imagery you used. No real clichés in there!

This looks like a nice series.
5/24/2005 c1 12Lisa Parry
An apt metaphor and although there were two extremes within the poem (i.e love being gentle then not) it worked well. :)

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