Just In
for I'll call you freak, you'll call me delusional

12/1/2012 c18 Guest
love it! still sad they are parting but it was wonderfully written.
3/27/2012 c18 2KarmaHope
It's been three years. But you need to update. i wanna know what happens.
3/3/2012 c18 Thinkalike
I love this story so much. I know it is a rare chance for a update, but it would mean the world to me! :D
12/24/2011 c18 tale
I don't even know where to begin. I don't know how to express the mad love I have for this story. I discovered it about four hours ago, and have been reading it ever since.

You know, I almost gave this story a pass but I ended up reading it anyway. And maybe now I'll learn to stop judging a book by its cover, eh?

I love Alynn. I love Juan. I think that they're one of the most realistic and cute couples I've ever had the pleasure of reading. I love how you didn't play out that whole stereotype thing too much. Sure, Alynn's a prep, and Juan apparently can't be labelled, but their story wasn't all 'oh noes we're from different worlds! we can't be together, like ever'.

Juan is amazing. I almost expected him to be that cliché angsty punk guy, so it was kinda surprising when he didn't end up that way. And Alynn is one of the best heroines ever. I think I started loving her when she got all jealous over Eva, but she was also rational enough to realise how irrationally jealous she was being. She was just so reasonable, and somehow that's getting hard to find in teenage girl main characters nowadays.

I just wanted to say that I really appreciate you for writing this story. It is amazing and it was the only thing on my mind for about four hours. I just wanted you to know that. :D
12/1/2011 c18 tiltedHead
OMG,this chapter is so sad.Please update soon,really really soon.Really like your writing style,such a lovely story...
11/25/2011 c9 tiltedHead
Ah,this chapter is also full od LOLS
11/25/2011 c8 tiltedHead
This chapter is full of LOL
11/25/2011 c7 tiltedHead
Alynn is sooo cute,gotta 3 her
11/24/2011 c2 tiltedHead
Fantastic! The story is getting more and more interesting(plus hilarious) as it progresses.
11/13/2011 c18 badboysarebest
Sigh. What a wonderful story!
11/13/2011 c11 badboysarebest
Very happy they went public!
11/13/2011 c10 badboysarebest
Awwww poor juan being confused!
11/13/2011 c9 badboysarebest
Juan blinked and looked at me. I shrugged. "His something."

11/13/2011 c8 badboysarebest
I love that she chased him down!
11/13/2011 c7 badboysarebest
I wasn't a masochist. I was a hedonist.

Perfection! I love how bold you made your character!
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