Just In
for Silent tears

3/16/2006 c1 132silently watching
wow. i've cried enough to wonder why i didn't think of this first.

11/13/2005 c1 155X.xPrincess.Midnightx.X
Lovely and sorrowful but I really like this. Well done.
6/3/2005 c1 34decayinglife
o, i love this one, i really like it, i think i will read the rest of your stuff. and dont worry i dont think you are weird. (i dont like to call people things that also describe myself) thank you for your review! very powerful and full of emotions i realy like the title, makes me think of a poem myself...
5/30/2005 c1 David
As always, very good.

It gets the point across.

You are an excellent poet.
5/30/2005 c1 I Found Myself At 24
Very nice - so many second and third meanings behind it that I am too tired to put in detail. Great job and thanks for the review too! :)
5/30/2005 c1 57alluringdarkness7809
I really liked this I like how you related silent tears to other things .. I dont know I thought that was really awsome :-) keep writing and make sure you upload some more stuff :-) ~*~Ammer~*~

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