6/4/2005 c1 38Muted Prose
It's kind of like... Believing in yourself and knowing your abilities and strengths when others who don't know you only see what's on the outside. While you see a rainbow in yourself (which is good ^_^), others see the plain old black and white. The greatest poems always come up when you least expect it ('specially 3 o' clock in the morning or when you're half-asleep). Great job! `~MP
It's kind of like... Believing in yourself and knowing your abilities and strengths when others who don't know you only see what's on the outside. While you see a rainbow in yourself (which is good ^_^), others see the plain old black and white. The greatest poems always come up when you least expect it ('specially 3 o' clock in the morning or when you're half-asleep). Great job! `~MP
6/4/2005 c1 234The Moribund Marionette
It actually is quite good, contrary to your mind's most holy and popular opinion. Don't put yourself down like that, even if it is jokingly. :) Live and in color, ~Writer of Darkness~
It actually is quite good, contrary to your mind's most holy and popular opinion. Don't put yourself down like that, even if it is jokingly. :) Live and in color, ~Writer of Darkness~
6/4/2005 c1 9Eyes of Amethyst
Short yet sweet. There's a deeper meaning despite the shortness of the poem. Keep writing! =)
ps: I'm impressed you made a poem with lack of sleep. I did that once, but I lost the poem. ^^ But maybe being half-asleep while writing a poem is a good thing... You see things in a different light, and you imagine things you'd never think of when fully awake. But that's just me. ^^ Sorry for this boring lecture. =)
~Eyes of Amethyst
Short yet sweet. There's a deeper meaning despite the shortness of the poem. Keep writing! =)
ps: I'm impressed you made a poem with lack of sleep. I did that once, but I lost the poem. ^^ But maybe being half-asleep while writing a poem is a good thing... You see things in a different light, and you imagine things you'd never think of when fully awake. But that's just me. ^^ Sorry for this boring lecture. =)
~Eyes of Amethyst
6/4/2005 c1 8Unknown Unnamed
I like the choppiness. It gives it a really dramatic feeling. Sweetness.
I like the choppiness. It gives it a really dramatic feeling. Sweetness.