8/7/2005 c1 simpletonsgrin
i'm quite impressed. Your writing is so.. not random... but.. kaleidospoic, to use your own word. It's just everywhere, and it's so pleasant to read. You're going on my favorite authors list. again, this is one i have to read multiple times.
i'm quite impressed. Your writing is so.. not random... but.. kaleidospoic, to use your own word. It's just everywhere, and it's so pleasant to read. You're going on my favorite authors list. again, this is one i have to read multiple times.
6/23/2005 c1 37negligible fictional force
your imagery is delightfully heavenly, gotta love those adjectives. definitely a masterpiece.
your imagery is delightfully heavenly, gotta love those adjectives. definitely a masterpiece.
6/10/2005 c1 9only weekdays
this is awesome-its going on my favourites."liquid kisses"..."she; run-walks deeper inside you" beautiful imagery; i love your references to tissue paper.you write beautifully, please keep writing.
much love.
this is awesome-its going on my favourites."liquid kisses"..."she; run-walks deeper inside you" beautiful imagery; i love your references to tissue paper.you write beautifully, please keep writing.
much love.
6/5/2005 c1 80citrus scented
...wow. that just blew my breath away, like a intense doddle of images packed in together to spin a dark, deep twisted romance between the broken girl and guy. wicked tale told, unique way you told it.
...wow. that just blew my breath away, like a intense doddle of images packed in together to spin a dark, deep twisted romance between the broken girl and guy. wicked tale told, unique way you told it.