Just In
for Walk On By

6/30/2005 c9 natmarie
I was so happy to see this sittig in my mailbox, you have no idea. I have been checking back almost everyday for it. Pathetic I know, but worth it. You did a really good job with Brooke's whole blow up at her parents scene, it will be interesting to see the results of that. Not to mention using Zach to piss of Jonas...hm...the jerk (Jonas, never Zach lol) had it coming to him. Wonder what feeling that kiss will spark. Guess all of this means I just have to paciently wait until you update. So do it soon, please. No pressure, but yeah, I'm hooked. Thanks for reviewing OUAS, you are the only one so far who doesn't now hate Faith. Sigh.Before I babble more I'm gonna go.Great chapter.

6/29/2005 c9 1Jynx Rose
OMG! An arranged marriage, Jonas wanting her back, her saying those nice things about Zach, her kissing Zach. This chapter was just full of suprises, i loved it!
6/29/2005 c9 1queen-lala
loved it...update soon..^_^
6/29/2005 c9 5Mediator
hey! i absolutely love this story! heehee a lot of scenes have had me cracking up making my family wonder what the hell i'm doing because i'm laughing like a retard staring at the computer. Anyway really glad that I found this to read. Awesome characters and well written of course. I just love Zach and Brooke. Update soon!
6/29/2005 c9 bianca
hey!sorry didnt review in da earlier chaps, but anyway ur storyline is great, the story is well written and the main character is really interesting...basically ur story is gettig really good..keep up the great work...
6/28/2005 c9 Happy4
Keep up the good work and add more soon!
6/28/2005 c9 Kat1989
Haha, that was just great. Please update soon.
6/28/2005 c9 6Renzie
Lovin' it! XD I also loved the ending of this chapter. I could just imagine Zach's face! Bwahaha. Anyway, I'm wondering what will happen to them after the reunion x3 Great job and good luck!
6/28/2005 c9 xmile
adsjsajkghalk;fsf I LOVE YOUR FIC XD keep it up and update soon cause i can't wait to read more XD
6/28/2005 c9 11Never Knows Best
Oh fun! She has an arranged marriage now, so she can't break up with Zach! Personally, if it were me I'd stay with him just to spite my pretentious parental units. But I suppose she ahs to stick to the plan, right? But now it's ruined!And also, Jonas' last name is Doodleheimer, and the effing hilarious!~Lee
6/28/2005 c9 gillybean
Ha! Though you may not have enjoyed this chapter, I certainly did! Especially this line: shit-eating grin. Aww yeah, hilarious
6/28/2005 c9 4LilithBree
hey, i just started reading your story...and i have to say, i think it's pretty kick ass. i like brooke...her cynicism is great. it kind of reminds me of me...but anyway, this story has been a really refreshing read so far. i look forward to more.
6/28/2005 c9 shams
Well, I do believe this is the first time I'm reviewing. I just LOVE this story. Brooke's family is deliously stuck up and annoying, and Zach sounds great... well, when he's not being insulting. But I'm sure that we all know he's just doing that because he *likes* her :p
6/28/2005 c9 2Lightning Storm
That was great. I can't believe her father, or any father, in that case, would have an arranged marriage for their daughters. Oh well.

I'm glad you're keeping it in one POV, b'coz when some authors have two or more, it gets repetitive, and boring.

Update soon.
6/28/2005 c9 24Isabelle88
Loved it! they kissed, that kiss was so hot and just wow! and she does like him too! I'm goddy as hell over this ch, update soon!

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