Just In
for Walk On By

6/21/2005 c8 Carina
This story is so cute. can't wait for the next chapter.
6/20/2005 c1 babixbunny
great story
6/19/2005 c7 1apothecary for lemons
this is great! i mean it great! I can even imagine it like a movie, it's so amusing, that bitter sarcasm in her sense of humor, so well written, seriously. Oh my god, i'm you're fan and i don't even have idols!
6/18/2005 c7 11Never Knows Best
Haha! Margaritas. I hate amrgaritas, but whatever floats your boat, I guess.Brooke is an amusing character. And I like Zach too.Update quickly!Lee
6/18/2005 c7 4anatidaephobiac
anatidaephobia - the fear that somewhere, somehow, a duck is watching you.

great chapter, loving the story. its one of the few i actually review these days. update soon.
6/18/2005 c7 gillybean
Yum, I like Margaritas and I like Zach...haha
6/17/2005 c7 SomethingsAmiss
Woah, that is deep, if i were her i would have blown up and totally made a fool of myself by either storming out of the room, or punching betsy in the face... both are appealing. :P You did a really good job putting in the serious stuff, but still keeping in Brookes sarcasm. Awesome writing!
6/17/2005 c7 2Lightning Storm
I really liked this chapter, I don't think almost crying was too out of her character, everyone does it sometime. Update soon, I wanna hear about this alcohol-induced behavior, lol.
6/17/2005 c7 sweetone0018
This chapter was awesome! I loved how you showed why she hates her cousin! I can't wati til the next chapter!
6/17/2005 c7 24Isabelle88
I just love Brooke and how you write her, shes so fun and funny. I cant wait to see Brooke and Zach drinking, oh what will happen? : ) I cant wait for your next update, great job on this fic, its one of my top favs.

6/13/2005 c6 164darqlyte
A very entertaining story. The only thing is the language, but it is rather mild compared to most movies. Other than that it's a good story. Perhaps you should consider getting it published.

God Bless.

6/12/2005 c6 gillybean
I bet it's fun to write! Keep it up.
6/12/2005 c6 4anatidaephobiac
ah meeting the parents. awesome chapter. loved the strike 1,2,3 part. kind of characterized her parents a little more. anyway great chapter, it seems like you're having a good time writing the story (and i know i'm having a good time reading it).
6/12/2005 c6 2Lightning Storm
Update soon. I'm in love with your story, I read it all in one go last night around 3 o'clock, I have no life, lol.
6/11/2005 c6 Nessa03
I liked this chappie! awe, she laid her head on his shoulder! hehe... cna't wait till next chappie! - NEssa
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