Just In
for My Sister's Fart

7/21/2010 c1 8dragonsroc
Lol it's a super funny poem
5/26/2010 c1 37Violettree
LOL! Hilarious!
4/10/2010 c1 57n.p-simmons

So full of life (and odor :D)

For such a tiny thing.
3/7/2010 c1 9lolcrazy
Lmao, This is funny!
1/6/2010 c1 23thinking.about.thinking
Ha, this is hilarious! Awesome!

1/3/2010 c1 gone4good
1/3/2010 c1 fleur de l'est
Oh dear ¬¬ What a thing to write about; and what philosophy you make out of a fart! Well done xD
12/4/2006 c1 6Ollie May
The title was so completely random, I had to check it out. I don't have any sisters, only brothers, but it's comforting to know that they can be just as gross as boys!

Ollie May
7/9/2006 c1 18KG Jonta
Haha, reminds me of my sister.
2/12/2006 c1 2glamorouslystressed
lol, lol, lol, lol, lol, lol, lol, lol. Love it.
2/7/2006 c1 5peachfruitsalad
er... unique. I didn't realise that sisters could be as gross as brothers! still, at least she didn't fart on your FACE... brothers try to do that. A lot. =)
8/3/2005 c1 11les petits bateaux
Three lines of humor. :)

7/27/2005 c1 13XxDragon Princess NikkixX
Your sister is gonna love you for this one...lol!
7/14/2005 c1 22The Sweetest Oblivion
it was ok.. the title is really what got me..
7/12/2005 c1 chuppachupgirl
I never read Haikus, but this one... intrigued me...

Nice, if odd, job.
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