Just In
for A Boy with Horns

8/1/2014 c6 nawakosaure
Well that was quite stupid of them...
I guess we won't see the end of this story either ? Too bad. I really liked it si far : a good mixture of fantasy and mistery...
8/13/2013 c6 fantasyobsessed
Made the mistake of starting this awesome story without checking if completed and when updated. Please oh please tell me u finished this somewhere!?
5/5/2012 c6 sesshyluhvr
7/18/2011 c6 Qtf
Hey; PLEASE UPDATE! This is interesting, PLUS it's slash, and it's original. Don't leave us on a cliffhanger! And let Tier and Elijah kiss! :)
6/6/2011 c6 marshmallow7
it would be lovely if you finished this
1/23/2011 c6 med
this is beautiful, id love it to be continued if you ever feel the inclination.
12/5/2009 c6 Bite The Succubus
Ah this is too good! Seriously it is so hard to find such interesting stories, or at least for me it is... Anyways I love it! I can't wait for you to update this story. Elijah and Tier are so cute together, heh. Thanks for the story! I'll try to wait patiently for the next chapter.
8/21/2009 c1 9Yukki-sama
I really enjoy this story, hope you update soon on what happens with the seal and everything.
6/26/2009 c6 cally
please continue!
wow... you should really continue with this
1/5/2009 c6 Tiffany Lindley
BWHs is a most awesomeness story! I'd of eventually thought of using spirits and normals in my stories. That is if I ever get those bloody stories through to the public eye and what not. Oh yes super great work with the prophesy bit! Mine never seem to appear on the screen, my prophesies I mean. Doesn't matter how much dagger glaring and mind power I throw at whatever I happen to be writing on at the time. Your story has truelly inspired me. I think I'm going to go throw it to the wolves, er I mean FP right now and see how many will find it fairly easy to digest. First I got to go get it of course.

Well anyways so sorry for blathering on and on like an idiot. I blame your most fabulous story for making me loose my mind and my will to control my fingers hovering over this old keyboard! If you find this blathering hilarious good for you, thats what I was aiming for. My email is

Just incase ya wana blather at me some.

Eagerly awaiting more of BWHs!
10/19/2008 c6 marnie o'field
you're a GENIUS!

i really love this, it's very original... but you left it? for good? i there any chance that you're going to update it?

i hopehopehope so!
10/12/2008 c6 5Squirrel Activist
This is really good! I love Milo, he's my favorite character I think.

I am excited for this to be updated soon.

It's very interesting.
9/19/2008 c6 1Riyshn
Stupid! Everyone knows you don't read aloud from the magic books!


I hope you come back to writing this.
4/19/2008 c1 A.L.D
I think it's safe to assume that you've dropped this story, and that it'll probably remain incomplete forever. I really can't complain, because I do that all the time myself.

But sheesh, this is a great story! It really draws you in, and the concept is so unique and fantastic, yet somehow you keep the whole thing grounded. Your characters are all compelling and real. My only complaint is that I got into it without realizing that *sniff* I'll never know how it ends!
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