Just In
for Graduation

7/6/2005 c1 14redroplets
Extremely well done, Im adding this ~redroplets
6/30/2005 c1 kakera
You reviewed me, now I review you. It works, you see. ^-~

Anyway, I know exactly what you mean in this poem. I kinda graduated this year as well, so I can relate to your fears in this poem.

It is very well written and I'm very impressed! I can already tell that you are a very creative writer, and I would like to see what else you can do.

-Tobira, signed and sealed
6/16/2005 c1 42gremlin-oompaloompa
hey cool poem!

graduating is a wierd thing, you love it but hate it at the same time. i finished school on may 13th and im still trying to sort it all out in my head, lol.

i hope your graduation went well!

great poem, keep writing! check mine out too if you like :D
6/10/2005 c1 31xxLuvoxx
wonderful poetry and beautiful words. Congratulations for you! Good luck and on achieving you goals in life. I'll be gradutating on June 15, 2007 hehe

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