Just In
for Mix

7/30/2005 c1 24Moonjava
This is very bittersweet but easy to connect with. Well written.
7/2/2005 c1 3Cry Tears of Darkness
aw sweet and nice. such good poems! damn me for not reviewing sooner!
6/22/2005 c1 24Sunami Silverblade
*Adds this to favorites list* :P

Just AMAZING. You captured the feeling perfectly here, and I love it. I absolutely love it. There is so much chaos as school is ending, especially as the seniors leave, for good... it's sad, it's crazy, there is so much adoration and last minute goodbyes...

This was a beautiful poem.

-Sunami Silverblade
6/16/2005 c1 49Neaera
our last day was yesterday...o boy...the last day's supposed to be one of relaxation and hugs. but i don't think my teachers got that memo cuz they all made my last day so stressful. science, my crazy mad teach...yeah...he made us do a lab on the last day. and since i was on a varsity team this year, i knew a lot of seniors, and i almost cried. then yesterday, for the first time all year, i walked out of history with a smile, and i screamed in the hall way 'i'm finally free!' then quietly, 'of mrs. savisky' she's crazy 2...and my math teach...o my math teach. she's so degrading! uh 7? the answer is 7, right? teach-let me think-pretends to ponder-no! then my art teacher lost my final... omg that was scary! ok... wow... i wrote a lot... but i LOVE this because it can realte to a lot of people
6/14/2005 c1 Liz
aw, that was good and catches the spirit of this time of year...
6/12/2005 c1 270queenvixta
This is a really moving piece. You describe how you feel well if when you don't know exactly what you feel. Great piece. queenvixta
6/12/2005 c1 199Saeger
Sums it up really well. Except for the ones who won't be back in... well, the next yea. We start in august. But yeah, thats pretty much the emotion/confusion of it all. Nice job.
6/11/2005 c1 98Arcane Hero
This exactly how I felt on my last day, well technicaly it wasn't the last day. We were supposed to come back on tuesday to get report cards. But anyways, this is really well written and emotional. *gives you a smiley face sticker*
6/11/2005 c1 13KwazyKandyPie
even though it's about the last day of school, you made it pretty suspenseful in a way. i love the last line, maykes me want to go, "aw". -kwazykandypie AKA Kelly Ann-
6/11/2005 c1 account not in use
That was so emotional, so heartfelt. You had me ready to cry,and I don't have to worry about anyone leaving yet (cept for the seniors, but then again, I'm only friends with ten of the, and they aren't going anywhere). ANYWAY! Wonderful job! No worries bout the reviewing:)
6/11/2005 c1 lexy- the one who's leaving
eh? thats depressing me...how could u make me read that... on the bright side it was very good- although i'd like it more if it didn't make me think about georgia... :/
6/10/2005 c1 65Aquafied
i love that, really, thats how i feel right now, emotions just pouring through the tip of a pen.

just amazing
6/10/2005 c1 tara
oh Pammy! I cried! *hugs* *hands out cookies* biscotti for all!
6/10/2005 c1 168SeaVoi
Pretty cool, I like your flow. There is no reason to worry it's only a couple months and then you'll wish you were done!
6/10/2005 c1 59queenofthbritons
I love this line :"She's leaving; he's annoyed,

They're depressed and I feel void"well done, keep writing, and you'll get even better.
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