Just In
for What happened?

11/17/2006 c1 16Noir Fleurir
aw i feel the same way sometimes i love the way this can be related too :) u hav a coupla typos by the way
10/9/2006 c1 4under the influence
I like it...:) Keep writing...
7/30/2006 c1 28woodstock1969
Wow... I can definitely relate to that. That always seems to happen to me, I like a guy friend of mine, and he doesn't like me back. That one really hits home.
6/6/2006 c1 23A. Cox
;-; That's so sad! It was really great, but sad.

Oh! and thanks for the review on my story!
5/30/2006 c1 2punkturnedwriter
Did you know there's a Hilary Duff song called 'Where did I go right?' Hehe. Anyway, I really like this poem. Very identifiable. Up until the last four lines it could be to a really good friend you lost through a fight, maybe, but then it gets clearer and it gets...bittersweet. I love bittersweet. Hey, thanks for reviewing my story, by the way.
2/22/2006 c1 18Plinky
I love the second stanza, I can completely identify with that. Nicely worded too.

Short and simple, but in it's simplicity, it somehow captures a sweetness that wouldn't exist if it had been over complicated or the meaning had been hidden.

Lovely. Keep writing!
2/19/2006 c1 4bex17
This was interesting...Not interesting in a bad way though, in a good way. Did this really happen? Sometimes people change in a very short amount of time...oh well...Keep writing! And post some more of your work! I liked this!
12/29/2005 c1 3D-Tard
Well sometimes poems that are jumbled and all over the place are good

No worries...it was good, emotional...and that kinda stuff :)
9/20/2005 c1 16sam the bear
it's really good any the point of poems is so that you can express what you're feeling with no resitrictions so dont worry about it being all over the place.
9/3/2005 c1 115HauntedMisery
This is good, great work
8/27/2005 c1 9ice flyer
this is a very heartfelt poem..i like the last line. good job :)
8/5/2005 c1 turbulentlipstick
Hey, I think your poem is great & I can relate to it definitely. "Where did I go wrong?" It sounds very impactful. Keep writing! :)
6/28/2005 c1 7Vandagirl
I can see what you mean by your life's story if you're writing a poem that's like a shortened version of my story. But that's ok, because I guess we could use more poetry/stories like this.

Anyhoo, thanks for reviewing my story. I started the third chapter, but I probably won't post it for a while, because I'm working on my fanfiction stuff too.

And I'm bad at titles too. It was just a miracle I discovered a good title for my story. But I can't tell you how it'll affect the story because I don't want to spoil it for ya.

Anyways, it's a good poem, but you might was to change the summery. I had changed the summery of my story from something stupid and dull to the one I have now (which is not so stupid and dull). If you tell people you made it up at random, lots aren't gonna read it.

And by the way, that one part you mentioned in your review... it's my life story too, which is why I finally wrote it. But all the actual events are pure fiction. NO I AM NOT TAKING AN EVENT FROM MY LIFE AND CHANGING THE NAMES! Teehee, I like using all caps. Fun.

Holy crap this is one LONG review. I do a lot of these on fanfiction. 'Bout time I wrote an emencely long review with my fictionpress profile. Hope you didn't mind reading (although I don't see why you would mind. People love long reviews! ^_^)

Gotta split!

~Vandagirl ^_^

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