5/8/2006 c1
Though I'd check this out, as the summary sounds interesting...
Oh England.
Nice little twist there, with who they killed. Did the Normans not realise they had failed to kill the child?
Nice ending! I don't have any CC for this piece. I like how the events of the first part have such an effect on the second part. If only all wars could be averted so smoothly.
In response to your reviews: (1) Concerning the hooded man who spoke to Fox... go with your initial instinct :) (2) Yes, James is one of Nakem's Generals. It's all explained in due time. (3) Why does Chen just stand there and talk to her? Well, the house isn't particularly near anywhere else; also, the locals don't speak much Carreneid. Also, it's not like Chen has much to lose by having people know he wants Fox dead; Fox already knows this. I might try to slip in some of those points, especially the first two. (4) More detail on Casey's past comes soon, in the chapter I posted last night.

Though I'd check this out, as the summary sounds interesting...
Oh England.
Nice little twist there, with who they killed. Did the Normans not realise they had failed to kill the child?
Nice ending! I don't have any CC for this piece. I like how the events of the first part have such an effect on the second part. If only all wars could be averted so smoothly.
In response to your reviews: (1) Concerning the hooded man who spoke to Fox... go with your initial instinct :) (2) Yes, James is one of Nakem's Generals. It's all explained in due time. (3) Why does Chen just stand there and talk to her? Well, the house isn't particularly near anywhere else; also, the locals don't speak much Carreneid. Also, it's not like Chen has much to lose by having people know he wants Fox dead; Fox already knows this. I might try to slip in some of those points, especially the first two. (4) More detail on Casey's past comes soon, in the chapter I posted last night.
4/28/2006 c1
This was a lovely short piece- the language you used fit very well, and the descriptions were marvelous. I definitely wasn't thinking of the nurse, but it made perfect sense. Nice ending, and great job.

This was a lovely short piece- the language you used fit very well, and the descriptions were marvelous. I definitely wasn't thinking of the nurse, but it made perfect sense. Nice ending, and great job.
1/19/2006 c1 Joelle Duran
What an absolutely gorgeous story! I love it-the closing lines brought tears to my eyes. Beautiful description throughout, just a magnificent piece of writing.
What an absolutely gorgeous story! I love it-the closing lines brought tears to my eyes. Beautiful description throughout, just a magnificent piece of writing.
8/24/2005 c1
6Count of Casualty
Oh gosh, you just earned another spot on my favorites list. I think this has to be my favorite story by you thus far! You're incredible! :D

Oh gosh, you just earned another spot on my favorites list. I think this has to be my favorite story by you thus far! You're incredible! :D
6/13/2005 c1 Vos
Wow. That was incredible! Your writing is amazing, and the grammar is perfect! The diction and the dialouge captivated my attention. I can't wait to read more of your stories.
Wow. That was incredible! Your writing is amazing, and the grammar is perfect! The diction and the dialouge captivated my attention. I can't wait to read more of your stories.