Just In
for FaKE

10/12/2005 c1 37revertedautumn
short and sweet:

Gossip sucks balls.

I love the way that you put this peice together though hon.
10/12/2005 c1 25xXxKxXx
this was my fave.^_^
10/10/2005 c1 scary-russian69
i've read alot of your poems and i think there all good but this one is beautiful!
7/10/2005 c1 27Hidden Lies
Great poem and I can relate to it very well! Great work!
7/2/2005 c1 3Cry Tears of Darkness
i like yes yes! i like the title and the poem! aweosme work
6/25/2005 c1 27HuRt-AnD-Al0nE
Very well written... "don't tell the truth or you'll be saying your last" I love that line... Thanks for reviewing
6/23/2005 c1 lexy
it's impressive how true it is! "Seeing things and hearing things not meant to be heard" idk why buit i really like this line! LoL keep-up the kewlness :þ (i could've sworn i reviewed this one!) LoLz xoxo
6/23/2005 c1 lexy
short but explanitory! me like vewy much! it's good! :þ
6/19/2005 c1 Winter Reflections
i know what you are going through. there is a rift in our group and it is tearing us apart. for me, it is...

i feel as if i am going mad. i am able to relate to every single angst poem ever since i spoke up about a problem of mine. i cant write happy or anything.

nice poem, keep it up!
6/16/2005 c1 49Neaera
i like how the way the words moved, it probably sounds just as great when you read it in your head, and then aloud. keep it up!
6/15/2005 c1 19ShadowNemesis
Wow... a very deep glimpse into the reality of making things out to be perfect on the surface... good job.

6/15/2005 c1 Aussie-Goddess
Friendship problems suck, especailly if no one wants to face it. This is a really good poem and I can kinda relate keep it up! ~ Eliza
6/14/2005 c1 59Sacred-Phoenix-Nephthys
OMG OMG OMG...I know exactly what you are going through, what the group is going through. This is almost identical to our group. There is a bit of a tear drifing through it, but no-one is ready to accept it yet. Read my poem called Exodus if you haven't. It may tell you a little more. Awesome job pammy ^-^
6/14/2005 c1 199Saeger
Sounds harsh. Some people I know seem like that... Good job. Don't know what else to say...
6/14/2005 c1 65Aquafied
that reminds me of my friends sometimes.i love it, especially since there have been relationship issues.especially-

And she's not in love and he's not a wreck

wonderful, i ugh, just so awesome.
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