Just In
for Beautiful

9/11/2005 c4 1Citrus-Vinaigrette
Aw! This story was a good as your other stories! You're on my list of favourite authors ^_^ Danny sounds soo adorable! I love it!
9/10/2005 c4 The 2nd Mrs de Winter
That was just great!

How is it that you could create two such well defined characters in suck a short story? Jealous glare. Ok, I'm better now. Well anyway this was wonderful!

Danny seems like a sweetie and Joie was great too!

Well, TTFN!
9/6/2005 c4 2cbprice25
You probably could have made this longer, developed the "real" thing a bit more. But I like it. It's neat how you've only got descriptions of their interactions, ignoring things like Danny beating Mark into a pulp, for example.

Good job.
8/31/2005 c4 bryn
That was awesome! Amazing story. Your characters were so real. Loved it.
8/18/2005 c4 5euphorix
great story! u write very well! :)
8/13/2005 c4 ElementalAvenger
wow! i love it! it's absolutely perfect in every way!
8/10/2005 c4 2wanderingnachos
This was short... and so sweet! I loved it! It's really good ^^
8/8/2005 c4 ThatReallyCoolGirl
You were right. I COULDN'T resist that review button. Looked so inviting to my cursor. I mean, I couldn't really keep the two apart. Yeah...by the way, nice story.
7/26/2005 c4 amazed
u r my favorite writer on fictionpress. you're like my god. if you said like "go jump off a cliff" i swear i would. you are THAT good.
7/15/2005 c4 emerald
:)that was GREAT! i love joie's character- she's unique and tough...and offcourse danny is something special too...and i love the way you clarified joie's feelings in a way that one would understand and relate to and you kept me entranced till the very last word...what more can i say?
7/10/2005 c4 2Destiny Violet
I loved the beginning and the end. Great short story... you should write more of them ^^
7/3/2005 c4 7CloudyDay
This is really sweet. So sweet im going to have to favourite it.
7/1/2005 c4 9Alkali.Alias
I'm glad that you inserted the fact that she wasn't already in love with him, and neither was he. I hate love at first sight, for some reason or another, it irritates me SO much. But this was a perfect way of kind of using that technique...first sensing the stranger...it was really quite an amazing story. It was also quite different in length, because people either write one-shot fics or REALLY long ones but I enjoyed this, just like all your other works.
6/28/2005 c4 Reiye
That was so.. adorable. I could really find myself relating to Joie. Danny was.. can't really find the words for it. Anyways, it was a pretty deep story - I like how you said they weren't -in- love with each other... but they -could-.

Sweet and realistic.
6/27/2005 c4 12Life Love Sanity
wow.. that was beautiful.. (no pun intended here) but really it was an awesome story.. I love it! its truly awesome! I'll be checking in on some of your other writing soon because I love it all! Please do keep writing!-Life Love Sanity
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