Just In
for Beautiful

6/15/2005 c3 1DuchessYappingDog
Oh gosh. They're so cute! Hahahahaha. Sigh.
6/15/2005 c2 DuchessYappingDog
Hehehe. This is so fun. Hahaha. I must sound psychotic. Anyways, on to the next chapter.
6/15/2005 c4 1p-y-a
aaw that was so sweet! liking danny heaps. esp loved the end and the peanut butter part. and thanks for putting it all up at once...no wait! =D
6/14/2005 c4 7tickle-me-pretty15
This was just so cute. I mean im so confused i have nothing to say.Its just so god damn cute? Nicely done.

6/14/2005 c1 1DuchessYappingDog
This story with the additional help of a grape-flavored pseudo cough drop (it's sold in a bag that says coughdrop.. but it doesnt help. it's just a regular candy i think) is making me happy and hyper. I like this story so far. I like the girl. I like the guy. Hahahhaa.
6/14/2005 c4 4anatidaephobiac
first of all, i love how this was a short story type thing... except a few chapters long, and how it all came at the same time. (no waiting). I really loved the story. you took a cliche and made it your own... and i wouldn't expect anything less from you, considering how amazing i find all of your stuff. i especially love the end... you weren't like a lot of the other authors who might have been like 'and that was the moment i knew i loved him'. your method was much more effective and realistic. and for that, i commend you.
6/14/2005 c4 Lost Down Under
Loved it, loved it, loved it! Seriously. This is a beautiful piece of writing. Sweet, tender, real.

Congrats on great writing!
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