Just In
for The Evolution of Women's Clothing

6/10/2006 c1 7Celebaelin
Very true. Although you should probably add how the 70's, 80's, and 90's contributed in part to certain, shall we say..."free" styles...but this is fairly informative. And not many people go for studying women's styles.
5/28/2006 c1 31Mya von Dor
I think you might get along rather well with a friend of mine. She knows so much about cloth/clothing it's scary. She's a history classics double major and wants to go to grad school for fiber stuff. I know she's written some Harry Potter fanfiction on the sister sight. She has a rather amuzing piece on Voldemort trying to fix his robes...and one about a bogart... but yeah, that doesn't really have much to do with this, but oh well. I ramble a lot, so you'll have to forgive me. But I swear anything you ever wanted to know about that stuff, she knows. Course, I might be slightly biased not knowing much myself, but you have to respect a woman who can tell what a fabric is just from feeling it. But yeah, I'm kinda surprised by this, I thought the "boyish look" started in the sixties, shows you how much I know!
1/11/2006 c1 96die kleine maus
what i like about this essay is that it doesn't waste a whole lot of words, or repeat itself. your points are valid, they're well explained and because you give examples and write with confidence, at least i think you do, i was drawn in immediately.(and history of course, has always fascinated me)..i'm always struggling with my work, but thank you so much for your review, i wasn't so sure why i put that poem up.
11/7/2005 c1 1rrmehta364
great essay. hope you earned a good score on it. while im not interested at all in clothing, you still kept my attention. good job, and hope you update soon.
7/28/2005 c1 1Rose of porcelain
At a time when I was actually called upon to write essays, I wish I had been able to do it so gracefully. I am fascinated by historical clothing, have been for as long as I can remember. To me, every style is interesting and, as you discussed, indicative of the beliefs of those wearing it.
7/27/2005 c1 8SwordoftheKing
Yup yup yup! Too true- and now that our society has became completely se x saturated, it becomes stylish for women to wear as little as possible. XP

Anyhow, an excellent piece! Good work!
6/15/2005 c1 6onlyshallow
truthful and to the point. if you dont get reviews, its because people reading it have nothing to say. you've covered all you needed to, and there really is nothing *to* say except good job.

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