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for Writing with Diversity

9/20/2014 c1 1MissMagic46
oh my freaking god tilly this is amazing!
6/17/2014 c3 hoi
I like to slam things. watch this


did you see that?
1/13/2013 c5 Guest
It was showing 4:15 p.m., the last time he checked his watch. The train was being late and he was getting more and more impatient and checked his watch almost in every 2 minutes. He did not want to wait anymore to reach his destination.
10/4/2012 c3 Demonical Raven
This was great. Loved reading your guide.
6/18/2010 c7 1Jessie Wulf
Wow, I simply loved this! It's so helpful(had to correct myself from saying its xD).

What I had problems on(that I just now noticed), is for example with the its/it's. I always thought that it's would be possessive since I thought that apstoraphes were in some cases possessive with the word it was used with.

Bah, I really have bad grammar(not awful, but.. it could use work). I feel bad about it too, since I have a great love for reading and writing and English. Guess I still need to work on it. So, I thank you. You really brought my insight back to what proper grammar was.
5/30/2010 c1 bangming
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4/9/2010 c1 Eternal Evanescence
I like your food metaphor. Did you come up with it yourself or did you hear it somewhere?

Whichever it is, I see where you are coming from, presentation is important in stories. (It's also important in food, maybe I'm the only one, but I wouldn't want to eat food that looks gross.)
3/23/2010 c7 1Candescence
Thanks a lot for writing this. I'm going to go edit my story now. :)
8/25/2009 c7 1thrillerz
"you might make a social faux pas." And a social faux pas you will make.

I hope you don't mind me reviewing this essay four years after the post, but I really couldn't help myself.

This essay has really opened my eyes to the art of writing. Ever since I began taking writing seriously, I've been trying really hard to make my stories look "professional" and smart (creating a major turn-off for me). After reading this essay however, I soon came to realize that while you're writing, you honestly don't need to try so hard. Most essays I have read before always seem to focus on technicalities and what is right and wrong in writing. Your essay though focuses more on how to make one's story look good and actually be fun to read. You don't ramble on explaining what's right and what's wrong, when in reality everybody writes their own way. Truth be told, there is no right and wrong when it comes to writing. Sure, there might be grammar mistakes, but all in all how can someone say that another person has written something wrong?

I guess what I'm trying to say is that your essay helped me out. A lot. I am no where NEAR a great writer (I like to use the fact that I'm only 15 as an excuse, heh), and it's nice to read a helpful guide that doesn't state how one must write. As the title of your essay states, you wrote with diversity. You posted an essay on Fictionpress that everybody can relate to and won't have to walk away from the computer wondering if they'll ever be a good writer.

5/10/2009 c1 FPHaven
Just letting you know that I found this "guide", as it were, very useful and I am going to add it onto my favourites. I did find it very interesting that you went on to speak about how to open sentences, I for one don't usually notice this. So thanks for the eye opener!

(PS: I'll probably be mentioining this helpful guide on HPHaven's blog, if you don't mind that is).
6/5/2008 c7 5Curb Crasher
This is wonderful! It's been really helpful for my stories that my beta cannot beta yet. I still need work on the sentence openers, but I think I'm getting better.

In chapter six, you stated: “Would not” because “Wouldn’t”. I think you mean: “Would not” becomes “Wouldn’t”.
3/13/2008 c7 24ilovetheopera
amusingly written essay, engaging enough to hold my attention right through to the last chapter. didn't read like a lecture, which was good. i especially enjoyed your analogy about a meal being a story, etc.

i don't think i gleaned any new knowledge from this, but like Narc, i am also of the view that the chapter on dialogue and the use of the Thesaurus was a little squicky. now, i myself am definitely not perfect grammar-wise or certainly writing-wise, but i have read many stories which had only a smattering of dialogue, and i enjoyed them. it is a different writing style altogether- sort of like lomography is to photography, i suppose, if you consider dialogue essential to a story.

to me, i feel refraining from using dialogue gives a sort of ethereal, breathless quality to the piece. i guess the word i'm looking for here is 'appropriate'. however, i agree that too much dialogue is definitely bad. unless it's extremely amusing and entertaining, of course. i have read published works by sufficiently famous authors that contain only dialogue- furthermore, dialogue without the quotation marks! gasp shock horror.

i suppose writing is definitely a "to each his own" thing.

and the thesaurus: in my opinion, to be used only as a last resort, when you can't find the word you're looking for. not to add colour to your writing. i do remember an episode of Friends where Joey (yes, the stupid actor one) wrote a letter that suffered from an overdose of thesaurus use.

unless, of course, your vocabulary is seriously limited, in which case reading the dictionary should become one of your pursuits.

however, an entertaining read. simply that my opinions differ,if only slightly.
1/28/2008 c1 embers-and-bridges
Very useful piece. This is sure to help me and other people with writing. Kudos.
1/22/2008 c3 32Beautiful Bones
I really enjoy reading this. You bring out little odd points that I don't really think about when I write. This'll really help me I think. :-3


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