Just In
for For the Love of the Game

9/28/2019 c30 Guest
Absolutely loved it! Thank you for sharing it with us here on Fictionpress :)
6/6/2014 c2 Guest
3/22/2014 c30 Guest
WONDERFUL! I LOVE THIS STORY! But seriously, can you please do a one shot of Brandon and Shelly in the nearby future? PLEASE.
1/16/2014 c30 xxSongBirdxx
love this I think I'll just stick to this ending and not go and read the sequel this ending is the best
10/15/2013 c2 SiriuslyPink
Switching to third person ruined it for me. Maybe if you'd had third person from the very first chapter instead of switching halfway in the second I'd feel differently.
10/15/2013 c1 SiriuslyPink
So many short, simple sentences. Mix it up a bit.
9/3/2013 c30 Guest
1/5/2013 c5 ClosetReader
Okay, so now they are both equally annoying. Haha. I guess I'm forgetting that they are still in high school so their actions may seem very immature and juvenile to me.
1/5/2013 c4 ClosetReader
Shelly is so bloody obnoxious. She's totally abusing her power. I like that she knows her stuff and does not have any ulterior motive for being the coach but I feel like the growing rift is mainly her fault and as coach, she is not doing anything to help from the way she is acting.
1/1/2013 c30 Ms.Jennylautner
Awww so freakin cute ! Loved the ending ! I'm glad they got together ! Gosh you got me all mushy and teary ... Lol . Thanks for writing such an amazing story (:
10/23/2012 c30 heal me forever
man dis was pretty much awesum i sincerely wish dey will be together FOREVER I MEAN IT ..:) glad i read dis awesum stry ..forever love dem kyle is such asweet heart other dan brandon of course ;)
7/16/2012 c30 Guest
Awww... I loved the story!
Megan :)
6/7/2012 c30 ndagutierrez
I actually laughed at some of the parts. Shelley's so good at comebacks! I love how they bicker and how Brandon wasn't afraid of telling her how he really feels. It's not too sweet but I like it that way. I just adore Shelley's character and also their family and friends. I just hope that they stay togetherrrrrrr. :))))
5/30/2012 c22 1loveSZbrownie
i get that this is a fairly old story and that your writing has probably significantly improved but im just going to comment on this story as it is. I like the idea that theres a girl challenging the sexist sport and how theres such strong conflict between her and the head guy. But what i would like to say is that from what I've read, I don't believe it. The story is completely centred on those two and you've come up with all sorts of unrealistic events just to have scenes with them together. And the motivation for Brandon to pursue her (chelsea blackmailing him with the size of his penis). I know it fits, because he's all up himself and wants to protect his pride, but it doesn't feel like it flows with the story completely. I'm not sure. I like your writing for the most part, but it's just plot things like this that kinda irk me. I think the problem is that you've introduced a lot of characters which makes it difficult to explore their personalities and their histories. They've become really one dimensional. Morgan was introduced with a really sullen attitude then she meets shelley one time and then becomes super super close to her and then suddenly is all for pushing the n two together. Again, I acknowledge that this is an old story and you probably would want to edit it too. So just saying that for this old version, i think its good but it could be great.
4/28/2011 c30 NeverHeardOfYou
Just finished re-reading this story and its still makes me laugh... I love it to bits.. :D
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