Just In
for For the Love of the Game

4/20/2006 c30 swimchickslam
yay i loved this story
4/15/2006 c5 ms. fuzzy
aww...your chapters dont waste words...novels were meant to entertain anyways, besides, if it was all about sports you'd lose a lot of readers :D
4/15/2006 c30 2eve-maiden
wow great story! i loved it!
4/13/2006 c30 17Nocturnal silhouette
I loved it! I've been reading this since the very beginning and now...I'm so depressed it's over. I love this story and I'm just upset there will be no more adventure's with Brandon and Shelley. Good job!
4/12/2006 c30 Princess JoJo
that was a really good story. the only thing that kinda ruined it was the curse words you used. it was still really good though!
4/12/2006 c30 RedPillow
i LOVED it!and if you're ever going to rewrite it, there was one mistake (or at least something i THINK was a mistake)

"I’m not much of a PDA person, but you’ve got to admit, when you’ve got a boyfriend as irresistibly kissable as Brandon, it’s kind of hard not to keep your hands off him."

I think you meant 'it's kind of hard to keep your hands off him' OR 'it's kind of hard not to keep your hands on him'

yeah. lol well im soo upset its over! never again can i look forward to some shelley/brandon interaction :( oh well, it was a great story while it lasted!
4/12/2006 c4 Princess JoJo
that was wonderful, i loved shelly's line at the end, good job!
4/11/2006 c1 Princess JoJo
this sounds really good so far even tho its only the first chapter... :)
4/11/2006 c30 14Grape
I really liked how this story ended! Beautiful job! Anyways, awsome story! Later.
4/11/2006 c30 bright indian stars
lol hello! i jsut read u're whole story lol, i was like heyy dis sounds interesting! so i ead it and it was! yay! but i shall read the sequel only if u get them together :P i joke, i'll read it anyway, u're a great writer and keep up the really gud writing, i like it!
4/11/2006 c30 salley19166
it's finally over *tear* it was a fun reading your story. i was one of those who stuck with you from the beginning *giggles* YESH I AM A MIGHTY POWERFUL SUPPORTER OF I FOUND NEMO... BOO YEA! haha well lookin forward to the new stuff. lubs you. bye
4/11/2006 c30 TricksterGoddess
Yay, it's finished, I dont remember if I left a review before... so I'm leaving one now! I really liked this story, it was really different and I actually believe the whole cheerleader prefering football thing because that's how several of the girls at my school feel, but we do have a powder puff team so they are somewhat happy. I'll make sure to look forward to your other stories or sequels or whatever... Good job in finishing a story that I found to be worth the read^_^and I hope to read more soon!
4/11/2006 c30 1Sylvia Marri
Proud of you girl! Congratulations for finishing the story! I'll definitely miss the Brandon-SHelley bickerings... :D I'm excited to read Morgan's story. :)
4/11/2006 c30 58slowlydancingtothestars
lol very good story
4/11/2006 c30 2animeforever9
omg, i can't believe it's over! please write the sequel! i'll be all over it! GREAT STORY!
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