Just In
for For the Love of the Game

2/2/2006 c1 deanna2
i cant see chapter 27... it says that it doesnt exist
1/27/2006 c26 18pinkfluffyoranges
oh im liking this story, i cant wait to read the next chapter. now im off to bed coz my butt is so numb..ugh yeah. keep up the good work.
1/22/2006 c25 4Your Anti-Drug
I loved this chapter a lot and I'll leave it at that
1/14/2006 c26 1BrownEyedBeauty
Wow. What a great story. It has such an imaginative plot.

I can't wait for what happens next and I hope that you update soon, Please!
1/14/2006 c26 2Crazy Wynona
I really enjoy this story. The characters, the plot, the setting... Everything is just right. You have a truly amazing way to write that made me laugh and giggle when I was reading this. Kudos to you. Keep on updating this story; you've got something good here!
1/7/2006 c26 acira
hmm, i wonder how they'll confess to each other.. hmm?=)
1/5/2006 c26 4a24HourSmile
Terrific chapter! I loved it!

I really like how we're seeing more into Brandon's character.

Somehow, though, I have a feeling Shelley's gonna figure out about Chelsea and the revenge, and she's gonna be more than happy to help! lol. hehe.

Sorry for the crappy review, but this chapter was excellent! I'm just in a weird mood...lol.

Haha, watch, the dads are gonna be sharing a wiskey in the lounge! lol. They'll be BFFLs! lol.
1/4/2006 c26 Emma
This story is awsome. I
1/3/2006 c26 7lilxseeker
o0o0oh yay you updated...hm i had school today and it just plained sucked! iym super glad to laugh my butt off at this chapter! update soon!
1/3/2006 c26 1queen-lala
i love it~ i really can't wait for the next one!
1/3/2006 c1 2KnotFamous
Hey! I really like your story, the plot line is great! And it's cool to finally read a story about CIF championships and all that. Haha, our school made it to the final round this year, but we were crushed by our opponent...oh well...haha

Please, update soon! I can't wait to read more and see how Brandon gets rid of Chelsey!
1/3/2006 c26 4TaurusGirl7
aww how is poor brandon gonna trample chelsey?

update soon!
1/3/2006 c26 Violaaa
Oh man oh man , i love it! I hope Brandon can show his feelings for real though...update asap plz!
1/3/2006 c26 58slowlydancingtothestars
gosh its just seems its the same thign ove rand over the continues fighting about getting togeather and feelings
1/3/2006 c26 2kellygarcia59
LOVE LOVE LOVE! i love your story! i love brandon! i love shelley! i love the plot! i lvoe every single letter in every chapter! i love the author for making such a beautiful story! update soon!

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