Just In
for For the Love of the Game

12/23/2005 c25 jen
hey! i'm sure u dont no me, but i just wanted to say, that wen i read ur story, i just cudn't put it down (my laptop, that is)! i'm sure a ton of fans hav been telling u that already, but i jsut thot u shud no how i feel too. i hope u can post more often! i can't stand the suspense! and i hope that shelley and brandon can get together in the end!xoxo, jen
12/23/2005 c25 Sweet Sarcasm
I like THIS STORY!Its pretty good so far. It interests me. Keep it up. sry i ad to keep this review short!
12/23/2005 c25 JustLikeMe91
I read this in one sitting. It was so wonderful! I liked it a lot, I can't wait for the next chapter. Although... please, someone punch Chelsey in the face!
12/23/2005 c25 4TaurusGirl7
update soon!
12/23/2005 c25 2thats.the.beauty.of.it
i love ur story. update soon!
12/23/2005 c25 ReiJ
Awesome story.Please update soon.I love how you twisted the classical 'we hate each other, so never going to happen' story plot. The idea has been overused but you turned it around and made it better. Good job.
12/23/2005 c25 LilMisMusical
This was an aweseom chapter (as was the last one, but i was to busy to review) I still dislike Brandon a little bit though, but maybe you will change by mind by the end. keep it up, i can't wait to see how you wrap it up.
12/22/2005 c25 1DuchessYappingDog
Ah, the ending reminded me that I should read P&P. Hahahaa. Sigh.
12/22/2005 c25 7Cleopatra IV
Awesome "For the Love of the Game" story. Keep up the good work! I can't wait to see what comes next.
12/22/2005 c20 19Phoenix-ofthe-Goldenrose
Great story. If I could, I would join Morgan and Taryn and all the others in their quest to get Brandon and Shelley together.
12/22/2005 c5 1KK sufferant
im really loving the story. there's np doubt you'd get your story published. i really like that you cant stand bad grammar. anyways, keep up the good work!
12/22/2005 c25 58slowlydancingtothestars
lol intresting chapter
12/22/2005 c25 7lilxseeker
OH update soon! please!
12/22/2005 c25 Violaaa
wooT wooT i luv luv luv it
12/22/2005 c25 xX cHeRn
thanks for the chapter!
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