Just In
for For the Love of the Game

12/22/2005 c25 Ms.Romantic
love it!update son
12/22/2005 c25 4a24HourSmile

Nice job, tossing in some cutie to shake up their emotions!

And if I'm not mistaken, Shelley is definitely starting to think that there's a catch. The only thing is...ill Brandon's motives remain the same?


Yeah. That was my sappy moment!

But terrific chapter (as always!). I even found some moments where I was actually "LOL"ing. Like really. I was LAUUGGING OUT LOUUD! lol.

Yeah, sorry that this is a crappy review. But update soon!
12/14/2005 c24 4TaurusGirl7
update soon!
12/13/2005 c24 17Nocturnal silhouette
Even though I haven't reviewed the last two chapters, I'm still quite into this story. I think it's brilliant, especially this last chapter. I like the fact she's not nose-diving into kissing him so early on. He's been after her the majority of this story, so you eluding the kiss, not allowing her to give in so quickly fits perfectly. Plus it makes Brandon work a bit harder in order to get her, which means since he spent on that energy on getting her, he won't lose her like he does other girls, according to other chapters that is. I love this plot. I love this story. I think it's brilliant.
12/12/2005 c24 1Shez
love your story, can we have more training scences and is Zack coming into the story nytime soon coz hed be good competition for brandon
12/12/2005 c24 MONkeyIsCAlling
WOW nice chapter =)

thanks for the update!

brandon is being such a gentleman...and shelley is being...shelley..haha...

i really like her character..i really liked this chapter actually...

thanks again..hope you update again soon!

just a quick question...how long are you planning on having this story? as in how many chapters?
12/11/2005 c24 4Your Anti-Drug
oohwhy won't they just kiss?
12/11/2005 c23 Your Anti-Drug
backstreet boys?
12/11/2005 c7 1Shez
12/11/2005 c24 4a24HourSmile
That was stupendous!

No, the lack of football doesn't bother me at all. lol.

Haha. She should take her dad to the BSB concert! hahahaha. That'd be GREAT. ESPECIALLY if Brandon's gonna be hiding in teh bushes!

But no, this chapter was A+! I loved the old people bit! haha. Shelley is just Little Miss Everything! haha.

And well, the whole eluding to a possible kiss is pretty cute. lol. So who knows...!

Update sooper soon! haha.
12/10/2005 c24 3marina eys
i just love this story
12/10/2005 c24 1psychedelic mishap
i know brandon's dioing it for his pride..but he does like shelley, riht? hm. i'm stating to get confused. ah well, that was a great chapter1 like the whole parents hate each other thing. =D update again - mwa!
12/10/2005 c24 2city-gal7
ur story is so cool! and ouch to Brandon, not so big gentils? lol, i kept laughing. But Shelley is really cool, she's my fave! next to the BS club of course ;)...they're the best! Chelsey, argh, i hate her! god, desperate much? ok, enoguh...keep writing!
12/10/2005 c24 7lilxseeker
update soon!
12/10/2005 c24 lilcrazy.mwauh.3
and so.. i scroll down to go press the next-chapter arrow. .. there is no arrow.

WHAT? im sorry.. but this is really good.. and i want you to finish it.. cause i wanna read it and find out what happens.. so.. por favor, update! =] heh. okay.. so maybe you dont have to, but it would be most appreciated.. gahh.. .. ill shut up now.

but this is .. really good. really.
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