11/28/2005 c23
Hahahahaha. That made me smile.. but really? Backstreet Boys? Is that her guilty pleasure? Hahahha.. it seems as if I've been transported back in time fiver years ago or so. Hahahahhaa.

Hahahahaha. That made me smile.. but really? Backstreet Boys? Is that her guilty pleasure? Hahahha.. it seems as if I've been transported back in time fiver years ago or so. Hahahahhaa.
11/28/2005 c23 MONkeyIsCAlling
hope you update sooner...
haha click five...nice band..although i personally like time machine better than just the girl...
i liked how you put the fathers into this chapter...new perspective was nice..
hope you update sooner...
haha click five...nice band..although i personally like time machine better than just the girl...
i liked how you put the fathers into this chapter...new perspective was nice..
11/28/2005 c23 anna
omgg THE best story EVER i swear to god ive been waiting for this chapter since...well since the last time you updated. HUGE fan of this story and i cant wait 2 c wut happens next! great job!
omgg THE best story EVER i swear to god ive been waiting for this chapter since...well since the last time you updated. HUGE fan of this story and i cant wait 2 c wut happens next! great job!
11/28/2005 c1
I'm liking the introduction...^.^ Makes me wish I knew something about football though...

I'm liking the introduction...^.^ Makes me wish I knew something about football though...
11/28/2005 c23 Natalie
hey!those two are so funny! it'd probab;y b better than cable! hope you update soon, looking forward to it! x
hey!those two are so funny! it'd probab;y b better than cable! hope you update soon, looking forward to it! x
11/28/2005 c23
21Dina Rogoziansky
omg that was SO funny! i know "brady-poo's" intentions are (cough cough - literally. i'm hella sick right now) less than pure - namely he's using her so his little (again, quite literally) secret doesnt get spread around school - but i still love him. i actually know someone VERY much like lil brandy. lol. GREAT chapter, totally worth the wait. plz update soon though, ok?

omg that was SO funny! i know "brady-poo's" intentions are (cough cough - literally. i'm hella sick right now) less than pure - namely he's using her so his little (again, quite literally) secret doesnt get spread around school - but i still love him. i actually know someone VERY much like lil brandy. lol. GREAT chapter, totally worth the wait. plz update soon though, ok?
11/28/2005 c23 uusernname
Backstreet Boys?... (Gaggs) Heh... Marilyn Manson anyday. Anywho, great chappie... Update!
Backstreet Boys?... (Gaggs) Heh... Marilyn Manson anyday. Anywho, great chappie... Update!
11/18/2005 c22
Very cute chapter!
But I wonder what's going on below the surface...
Something must be up for Shelley to turn him down. Lord knows I wouldn't! haha.
And this was an AMAZING birthday present! haha.
No really, you need to update realy soon. Cuz I NEEDTA KNOW what's REALLY going on. Cuz I can tell that Shelley just might like him!
So yes. Speedy updates!

Very cute chapter!
But I wonder what's going on below the surface...
Something must be up for Shelley to turn him down. Lord knows I wouldn't! haha.
And this was an AMAZING birthday present! haha.
No really, you need to update realy soon. Cuz I NEEDTA KNOW what's REALLY going on. Cuz I can tell that Shelley just might like him!
So yes. Speedy updates!
11/13/2005 c22 h2oskier
I love it, you have been updating so regularly! I love how Shelly and Brandon are now dating. It adds a little twist tothe story. LOL! Well, this story is awesome and I like how it is written. Update soon (even though I know you will and you have heard that thousands of times)!
I love it, you have been updating so regularly! I love how Shelly and Brandon are now dating. It adds a little twist tothe story. LOL! Well, this story is awesome and I like how it is written. Update soon (even though I know you will and you have heard that thousands of times)!
11/13/2005 c22
10MB Rumpf
I really hope brandon will just get off his high horse and tell shelly exacualy whats going on. Maybe they could work together and burn the bitch! Hey i think its a good idea. muahahaha

I really hope brandon will just get off his high horse and tell shelly exacualy whats going on. Maybe they could work together and burn the bitch! Hey i think its a good idea. muahahaha
11/13/2005 c22
1psychedelic mishap
excellent. great chapter! i do wonder where she went...
and no, i haevn't seen pride and prejudice, and yes, i am getting bugged about it. all in due time..
anyways, fantastic job, do update again - mwa!

excellent. great chapter! i do wonder where she went...
and no, i haevn't seen pride and prejudice, and yes, i am getting bugged about it. all in due time..
anyways, fantastic job, do update again - mwa!