Just In
for For the Love of the Game

11/7/2005 c21 6DragonFaeLynn
Good chap. Update soon!
11/7/2005 c21 xpressgirl
LOVED IT! theres no need for a change...ahh but they should have kissed..lol...i guess it will come...well UPDATE SOON!
11/7/2005 c21 1DuchessYappingDog
Hum. I have no idea what's going on with both of them. They're so weird! Hahahahaha. i should really start my homework. After! After! Rawr.
11/7/2005 c21 4a24HourSmile
Ah. Brandon TOTALLY got that all twisted. It's "Boys. Can't live with 'em, can't live without them." Yes. Those are the immortal words of Miss Britney Spears (pre-Kevin fiasco). lol.

No. Don't change it! T'was a supremely excelent chapter!

I really don't quite know what to make of what's gonna happen. It could go either way. I mean, appears as if they both like one another. But there's room for that to change. Hm. Besides The Replacements thing (see previous review, lol), I can also visualize A Cinderalla Story deally occuring too. Last game of the year = hot makeout scene in the bleachers in the rain. Oh yeah! lol.

I really love this story. I saw that it was updated and I was like, "Oh I'll check that out later." And then I'm like, "Wait, WHAT?" and I looked at the title again, and was all like, "OHMIGOSH! It's THAT STORY! Gonna have to read this RIGHT NOW! (yeah, I'm gonna dail History and English cuz of you now! lol)."

So yeah. Um. That date sounded like a lot of fun! Jeez. Why can't real guys EVER be like that? lol.

I'm wasting enough space, rambling about absolutely nothing. Not to mention I can't remmeber anything that I intended to actually review about cuz my sister's yelling into the telephone at her weirdo friend. lol.

11/7/2005 c21 6Pandemonium Express
1. No, don't erase it! hehe, I like this chapter and the way that whole kiss scene turned out-it was a good twist. XD

2. Nah, never heard of a 'pop warner' before, but then again, I'm not into football.

3. I feel you on the evil school work load. I'm stuck in the middle of the college process. X_x

4. Yay, lots more wonderful chapters!

5. NOt much to say here except I can't wait for the next update. ^_^
11/7/2005 c21 1queen-lala
i loved it! totally awesome! lol. i wonder if he is for real or not.hm...well update whenever!
11/7/2005 c21 Unclaimed
Hey. Like this chapter...the kiss was a definate way to get us completely glued to the screen! They both clearly like each other...can't wait to see if the mind or heart wins! Have to go to class...but update soon.
11/7/2005 c21 dance4evagottadance
Great new chappie, right when you have time! please
11/7/2005 c21 Natalie
hey! tht woz reli gd! i think the no kiss part woz better because she has more time 2 find out about the blackmailing on Chelsea's behalf!luv ya cnt wait for the next update
11/7/2005 c21 7lilxseeker
wow you finally updated! haha just kidding, i dont like this chapter that much...i think you could of done better...anyways update soon!
11/7/2005 c21 4TaurusGirl7
hey nice chapter! update soon!
11/7/2005 c1 4FLGMadisonW
hi. um...i just felt i should tell you that i have a story by the same name?

i think i put it up before you, but that if you don't mind it, i don't either.

so i just figured i'd let you know.
11/7/2005 c21 58slowlydancingtothestars
aw lol I know all boys shoudl see the light! can't live with us or without so give up and relizes were right!
11/7/2005 c21 1psychedelic mishap
woot! rocking story. =D brandon's wonderful!

it was great how the whole girl coach thing was different. and you made it work.

pop warner? err...no idea. =P but yes, love your story, keep on updating!
10/30/2005 c20 4Your Anti-Drug
AHH YOU NEED TO UPDATEI have this urge to see if shelley gives in and if brandon hurts her!oh man, I love your story..
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