Just In
for For the Love of the Game

9/18/2005 c17 2eve-maiden
this cahppie is cool but not much happened lol. i do think andrew cheek should reappear again tho he seems cool anyway keep up the good work and update soon!

eve maiden
9/18/2005 c17 1queen-lala
oh okay.. i get it now^_^lol update soon! gets better and better, i swear it does!^_^
9/18/2005 c7 forever truly me
i like the fiery passion of a thousand suns part
9/18/2005 c17 58slowlydancingtothestars
9/18/2005 c17 acira
um, andrew can be back... =)
9/18/2005 c17 3miss-blackhair
whe! its such an awesome chap! brandon and shelley are so great together... i love it lots. please update soon! i cant wait for wats to come next!
9/17/2005 c17 1A.realistic.romantic
Well, i liked this chapter a lot, although i was kidna thinking that sticking Chelsey into the sushi bar was kind of...erm pointless? cuz you didn't have her do anything there, but thtas jstu a minor picky thing. The thing i did love was the end with brandon and shelley... very clever, and very good. ooh and i liked the lemon/strawberry saying. A+
9/15/2005 c16 njqtee87
hey ive been following your story for a while now and i luv every bit of it...please please please continue it soon cuz ur an amazing writer and i really want to find out wat happens!
9/7/2005 c16 1LACS89
love it
9/7/2005 c16 KOTJ3454
hi!please update soon! i can't wait to see what happens next! does zachary fall in love with shelley? mm he sounds cute! ;)
9/1/2005 c16 grlieyetsporty
ah! i review again b/c i HAVE to know what happens next. wow im a loser. btw i made myself a chocolate shake today and it was awesome...just like your story.
8/31/2005 c16 grlieyetsporty
ahh i feel as i have been a bad reader. i have been busy w/ my AP class so I haven't been able to keep up but I still love the series adn I can't wait for the next one!
8/31/2005 c16 6Pandemonium Express
lol, so random but awesome! xD This story floats my boat! (wow, I sound like a beach bum o.O Strange...) Anyways, I lurve it and can't wait for the next update. ^_^
8/29/2005 c16 baby-g465
awsome story i love it! update soon!
8/29/2005 c1 1worstwriteronfic
Love your story!
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