Just In
for For the Love of the Game

12/30/2006 c20 Chiara
Hey, I really like your story, and I know it's done already and you're probably never going to go back to change it, but a few tips if you write any other stories. Please, please, please, proof read your stories a couple times at LEAST before you post a chapter, and a beta-reader would be a really good idea. There was one line in the last chapter where you used the word "eyes" twice in the same sentence and it didn't make much sense. Furthermore the whole story is getting a lot sloppier as you go along, the only reason I've kept on is for the plot, but your writing is starting to get on my nerves. It was much better in the beginning. Lastly, your author's note at the end of this chapter said "Are you confused? I had to read it twice before everything seemed to make sense to me." If you, the AUTHOR, are confused by your story, then MAYBE, just maybe, you should revise it, because you of all people should know what's going on. The reader shouldn't have to read it twice to understand the basic plot.

I really like the idea, though, and I really admire Shelley for not caving to Brandon. I do hope they get together in the end, but I hope it isn't because she's gotten really stupid about it.
12/28/2006 c1 1monkey08
loven it
12/19/2006 c2 wh00t
12/14/2006 c30 2JusticeWriter
Aw. This story was so good! I love Brandon and Shelley. Lol. This story made me remember my senior year in high school(2004) and all the great memories I had. Amazing story.
12/2/2006 c30 4fazzingaway
i just spent the whole day reading this story and it was beautiful. i instantly fell in love with shelley when i first read her and i loved how original this story was! your style was brilliant and everything developed really nicely. as for brandon and shelley, i particularly loved how real the development of their relationship was. there was some kooky random moments but i found myself thinking how true they were to real life. and even the end wasn't a disgustingly sweet happy ending but it was a realistic one filled with hope which i felt made the ending sweeter than any mushy scene could have.

this story is truly a work of art and i absolutely loved reading it. you did a fantastic job!
11/26/2006 c30 wandless
Wow, awesome story! I was apprehensive when I read the summary but I'm glad I read it. I liked the plot and you write quite well. I hope you continue writing!
11/23/2006 c30 3AJS
Oh my god... I love this fic. I spent all of Thanksgiving reading this and omg omg omg, it's amazing :) I don't know. It's just so hilarious and meaningful and amazing all at once that I'm having a hard time gathering all of my thoughts to sit here and write you a decent reply.

I liked the ending a lot, and it seemed REALLY suitable, even though the confrontation with Chelsey seemed a bit rushed and confusing... like I guess we were missing that extra interaction between Brandon & Shelley before it happened. But that's okay because your explanation at the end of the chapter pretty much explained it well.

I don't know. I just feel so satisfied after reading this. Like... I got this thrill throughout the whole story and the game omg and when they won I just wanted to jump up and scream in excitement too... and I guess I just FEEL like even though I only started reading this today I feel like it's been a long time since they first met and that Brandon & Shelley have advanced so much to get this far and it just seems so... RIGHT. Haha I don't even know T_T It feels so surreal or something.

Team BS is HILARIOUS. When Megan got up there for the first meeting I seriously just laughed out loud and thought, "OH MY GOD IS THIS FOREAL!" And I seriously just can't count how many times I caught myself grinning like an idiot or laughing out loud because of this story.

I seriously love it :D You're an awesome writer and as I said before, this is a sincerely AMAZING story. I'm so glad that I read it and my only regret is that I didn't find it sooner :) Keep up the good work. I think I'll check out your sequel for Megan when it advances a little further (I usually like to read stories all in one shot). You're insanely talented :)

- Alyssa
11/17/2006 c30 10funsize
oh my god i love you, i love ur work, i love u and ur work.. but im NOT HAPPY IT ENDED.. i just read ur whole story.. ALL 30 CHAPTERS so i expect a sequel from shelley or brandon's POV as well... so START TAPING ON THAT KEYBOARD
10/21/2006 c1 1supergal

Hahaha x) See, I started reading this story a lonng while back and then I lost it. And then I was reading someone else's story and I saw that you commented it and I clicked on to your profile and guess what, you're the author of For the Love of the Game!

10/10/2006 c1 M.D.Irvine
im going to like this fic. interesting summary. waiting for it to start
9/16/2006 c1 2StrawberryStarburst
I like it when the story starts with a short chapter-it get right to the point. You achieved that perfectly. I can't wait to read the rest.
9/4/2006 c30 6naningxoxo
i love this story! i absolutely adore it! i stuck with it to the end and when i found out that my computer wouldn't allow me to go on fictionpress.com i was devastated because i was so close to finishing the story! i can't wait to read more of your stories!
8/18/2006 c30 7dreamgirl89

I found a link to this story under one of my friend's favorite stories list, so I thought I'd give it a read.

I really liked it, and I liked how it turned out. I'm kind of sad that it ended, though. I would have liked to see where their relationship goes.
7/15/2006 c3 your harbor
So, this story definitely has more potential than I thought. I don't think I'll be reviewing for the other chapters because I have enough stories I want to read as it is and I don't want to review for every chapter... thats lots of reviews so, yeah. =]
7/15/2006 c2 your harbor
Well, this story is definitely different than I expected. Congrats on making it better than I judged it to be. I can't wait for the next chapter. =)
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