Just In
for I Miss You Dad

11/28/2005 c1 19Astana
I'm so sorry about what happened. It must be really hard and I appreciate it the more for sharing it with us. Keep writing, don't lose your faith in your talent.
7/8/2005 c1 174marshbar960
i can definitely feel your angst and heartache here but he's smiling down upon you now. thanks for sharing and keep writing!
7/4/2005 c1 6Broken Telephone
Aw how sad! I got a tear in my eye as I was reading this. I can't imagine how horrible that must have been. I'm not even going to compare that feeling to anything. This was a fabulous and well written poem. It was written with a lot of emotion and that's what makes it so good! Great job!
7/4/2005 c1 2KereiKitsune
*starts crying* My friend lost her dad alomst a year ago and shes the same age as you and it was so sudden...it just sounds so much like what happened to her... It made me cry... I'm sorry.. *hugs*

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