Just In
for Rebellion From the Fire

6/25/2007 c5 Rich
I honestly do like this story, and I belive with a little work could be an awesome story. I haven't read the whole thing yet, but I like the concept, and belive it just needs a lil fixing up. Also, I would like if you did finish the final part of this chapter. I can't give you any ideas of what to add or anything, at least not yet, not til i finish, but I would be happy to later.
9/25/2006 c9 7firesword


pretty good i guess. I just want you to finish. For me For a fan.
8/18/2006 c4 Halcyon Impulsion
This is a good chapter. I like the explanation (the lack of vomit just thrills me LOL), and Damien's character is appealing and interesting.
8/18/2006 c2 Halcyon Impulsion
The paragraph about the two kinds of darkness is really intriguing. I can understand why you feel this piece is rough and I agree with your assessment, but it has some good bones, even in just a couple chapters, and I think it's worth working on. Personally, I think swearing is overrated and it takes away a lot of a story's strength and creativity (though I recognize it's a preference thing). Generally when I come across a story with a lot of bad language it takes a lot for me to be willing to wade through the language and keep up with the story. Just a little reader perspective :) I like the Vicki/Victoria argument and the brief description of her is poignant - I'd like to see it explored (which maybe you do later).
8/18/2006 c1 Halcyon Impulsion
Interesting dream sequence... I know I wrote and asked for suggestions, but I decided to start here :) What can I say - I'm impatient :) Poor Vicki, demented and tear-strewn and sleeping through two hours of a test!
4/28/2006 c9 A Beautiful Nightmare
Hey. Awesome story... but I think it would be better if you proofread it a little more... then it would be excellent... haha... can't wait for the next installment... so... what's vicki going to do now?
1/9/2006 c8 3miss-blackhair
huh? what happened to the format? oh well, it's still readable. lol

i really like how you potray some stuff and use the english language with your own unique twist. its a nice read. =)
10/8/2005 c7 miss-blackhair
great action. =)
10/4/2005 c7 2Viera Wing
That was good. I like it. Keep it up. Though, you might want to hit the spacebar harder, or look back to see if you've missed. Anyway, good story.
7/31/2005 c1 18Smili
hey. umm... it was... wow... i wish i could be a good riter lik u! ah, well, u better comment on my stuff when i start posting. btw, you might not want to use real names... its not safe. but other wise, its really good!
7/23/2005 c6 3miss-blackhair
i enjoyed.. =)
7/12/2005 c4 miss-blackhair
i like how you ebd the chap.. =)
7/9/2005 c3 52darkmiko
i like your story especially the poem in this last chapter, keep up the good work
7/8/2005 c3 3miss-blackhair
i like the supernatural part, but i think the paragraphs are pretty long, a lil difficult to read. but i liked the plot. is there gonna be any romance?
7/7/2005 c1 1Orange Moose
Wow. Just wow. Very very wow.
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