Just In
for Inspiration

7/8/2005 c1 8A-wolf-called-Skya
Hey! thanx for the review! except, your on the last book of that series XD lol, but anyways, onto the review :)

I laughed when i read this because the thought, "Haha, writer's block" popped into my head at these lines:

is a mystical being

a muse

forever prancing

just within sight

just out of reach.

cuz that's exactly what happens! you lost some of your rythym every now and again. i dea was good though. were you trying to ryhme it, or freewrite it? near the end you ryhmed some lines, so i jw.

so, but that's all i noticed. thanx for the review! i'm still figuring out how piece the end of this quartet together, though. read "The black unicorn" it'll make more sense. "Road of destruction" and "By Moonlight Paths" and then continue with Dance of the Shadows. lol, i might finish the rewrites since someone's finally interested.

do you like human stories? lovey, dovey, romanced, action/adventure/fantasy? see what you think of Dangerous Skies.

later today i'll review more of your stories, see how they come along. it needs work (the wolf one) but you have got the basics, so i'm interested to see where it leads. :) :D


Good Writing,


P.S. yes, the prophecy is inspired by "May it Be". Mindreader :P

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