Just In
for So Twisted

9/19/2011 c1 3StaNdUPtomE
Ya Randy, that's rough, nice story though :)
8/21/2011 c1 13youngin-matomon
Ah. The One That Got Away story, huh? I liked it, but I didn't love it. It was okay so you get a 6 out of 10. :)
10/31/2010 c1 WishBlade
Beautiful =] And the fact that there wasn't a happily ever after made it a lot more powerful.
5/22/2010 c1 ghurl00
DAMN! i thought... i thought she'll agree...
3/27/2010 c1 iiHEARTyuu
I liked this :) it was heaps interesting. If you ever decide to continue it, I'd totally read it.
12/27/2009 c1 14Sapphyre Nymph
yowch... i thought it would end as a happily ever after..

10/16/2009 c1 Regin
I Like, I Lust, I Love!Please Update Soon!
4/22/2009 c1 Boo
this doesn't feel finished
4/5/2009 c1 1AlphaBeatKayGee
You should def. continue this if you've ever got time. Its got a grt start to it but feels incomplete.
3/20/2009 c1 1watergirl795
no! they should end up together...add more please!
2/14/2009 c1 theslykit
i really wish this one was updated too! :D
7/20/2005 c1 risarisarisa
Oh, I know you said this was a one-shot but I wish you'd write more, it seems like a good beginning to a story.
7/20/2005 c1 3MountainStream
I must say i disagree with the other reviewer. This piece was great but i dont think that after nine years in which Randy agrees were screwed up by this guy that she would just walk away in this manner. This piece while good in itself makes you want more
7/20/2005 c1 2Impetus
This was pretty good. I noticed that a lot of the time that Holden was saying 'I broke of my engagement'. Should it be off? The whole premise of an ex-boyfriend breaking up a two year relationship in the blink of an eye because he saw his ex who he hasn't seen in nine years seems a little far fetched. But, anythings possible in fiction. I do like the fact that she didn't go crawling back to him in the end. I think that's the strongest aspect of this piece. Good job.

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