Just In
for The Flowers

10/26/2005 c1 1rrmehta364
hmm...i always thought a real fable involved animals. well, ccoring to the dictionary, it doesnt have to be. however, a fable does always need a moral message at the end. well, tht was really not tht important. not your best, but still better than most.
9/6/2005 c1 11Earthsong12
Cool! This is the kind of story that leaves you going "But what happens? Aghghghgh..." hehe. I know that's how you want it to be, and I like it! the language is very descriptive and expressive. This is definitely going on my favorites. ^_^
8/24/2005 c1 6Count of Casualty
*stand up and gives Pheobe a standing ovation* Dang, has anyone ever told you that you have a knack for writing. Gosh, would you like an apprentice? If you do, I volunteer! :P This was a very well written story as always. I could feel the indecisiveness in poor little Claire. How awful that must be... :(
8/24/2005 c1 1Clodhopper
i liked it, but not as much as i liked your other work. i thought it was an interesting idea, to have a girl torn between the flowers and the trees, but i didnt quite feel the beauty of either - didnt feel the beauty that she obviously knew. also, the end was unsatisfactory to me - not at all because it doesnt tell me what she chooses, but because i dont feel the power of her choice. maybe it's just me and i dont know much about fables, but i didnt feel like she was caught in a binding decision. it wasnt as powerful as your last works...maybe its because i went from the strong, beautiful "Butterfly" to a fable. please dont think that this CC is at all making a negative stand toward this - the writing was still beautifully mastered; however, the power behind the words lacked to me

8/8/2005 c1 80citrus scented
wonderful wonderful piece. really spectacular, the message it underlines is just brilliant. really thought-provoking. the way its written is well done , too, it definately has a fairy tale and fable feel to it with the talking birds and setting. my only ideas for improvement would be not giving clair the name, as i think that would add to the fable quality, but thats a minor detail anyway. beautiful descriptions, the whole story is very vivid and just fantastically written.
8/1/2005 c1 28Accalia Aeryn
Nice fable, I really liked it. The writing was great. My only suggestion is putting a different closure on it if it's a one shot. If you plan to continue it (which would be awesome!) the ending would have been great.
7/26/2005 c1 31bjw
Ooh...are you continuing this? It's really original!=) And it's a first attempt!*widens eyes* Hehe you've got lovely lovely descriptions - they really remind me of the children's books I read when I was younger. You've captured perfectly that sweet innocence in children's fables! Very interesting, very unique, a lovely read. I'd love to see you continue!=)
7/24/2005 c1 17ACdarkfate
Wow.. Excellent scenary in this , I Love it.. You are a very talented writer, I'd love to discuss my thoughts and views with you, If you would want to, that is. My msn is ^_^

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