Just In
for Mission Status: FAILURE

6/25/2012 c1 Vanessa
Your story is priceless! Giggling all the way. more pls!

Just so I'm not really anonymous my email is:
5/5/2008 c1 x3life
haha this was kinda really funnyy! =)

lovedd it
4/5/2008 c1 SparklingStar25
Wow!This is just awesome!Love it!
10/20/2007 c1 D-Mish
God. I love it. I dont think i've laughed so hard in my life. KT sounds like an interesting character. I absolutely love the ending, perfect.
8/2/2007 c1 Kristen
This was freaking hilarious.

i loved it.

but how is it a romance?
7/19/2007 c1 akami
this story was amusing XD i liked it
2/25/2007 c1 6Najia
I could not stop laughing! Agent Orange, indeed :)
12/23/2006 c1 6Crewger
OMG! You sure know how to put up a really funny story.
10/10/2006 c1 flibbertigibbet
cutE! you had me laughing my ass off at the end! kudos
7/8/2006 c1 Michelle
omg this was just too cute. i loved the code names and their conversations.
6/30/2006 c1 15Banshee Junior

This is *very* cute!

I'd foolishly tried reading the story you updated latest and ended up making no sense whatever of who anyone was. This is a really nice intro to KT. There's something about botched-up plans that just pulls me in...can't put in words, really. Love the codenames, love the repitition of "over" - especially at the end, when Agent Orange finally means it!

*off to read the rest, still giggling*
5/21/2006 c1 mo
SO cute! the whole thing had me laughing so hard!
5/15/2006 c1 1DuchessYappingDog
Sigh, I love KT. She is so funny. :]
1/27/2006 c1 19my dangerous angel baby
This was very funny. I like the Agent Double Fudge and Agent Orange convos too. Great job!
12/14/2005 c1 2qualtagh
It can be difficult to write humour, but you've got this spot on. I read this after Snippets and that made sure that I knew who the characters were and how they interacted, and that helped avoid confusion, but the story is good. And playing spy is always fun!
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