Just In
for Hate

10/24/2005 c1 7Syns
Finding all of these, and looking back, I remember my shoulder to cry on.

I hate being the person to say this, corny is not my style, but I do like listening. And if you ever decided to say anything, let me know.

Loved the poem, as usual.

9/21/2005 c1 33inevitablemortality
wow. that's interesting. i've never read anything quite like it. Just picked your name off a friends site. I'll be reading!(muahahaha)
9/18/2005 c1 8Mr. Singh is back
one unanswered question: why?

but forget the why, and this piece is perhaps perfection
8/18/2005 c1 Yami Wah
Oh my god... you are so deep!
8/14/2005 c1 14moonstrike.raven


really good-you captured the moment perfectly.

8/11/2005 c1 stainedinnocence13 2 lazy 2 login
simply... beauftiul..

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